
What's the worst thing you have seen or experience at a fast food place?

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What's the worst thing you have seen or experience at a fast food place?




  1. One time a friend and me want out to eat at McD's and all he ordered was 2 hambugrgers.  He got to the table and unwrapped both of them only to find out all they gave him was buns with ketchup and pickles on them.  Another time I went to a Burger King to eat only to be told they were all out of burger patties.  I know, it's not bad but both experiences sure were funny.

  2. ahahahahah

    At Taco Time, while my friend was cleaning the fryers, and they were empty, she turned her back. She heard a really weird thud noise and looke in the fryer but couldnt see anything. Mind you, they stay fairly hot even without the oil in them. About five minutes later she poured the hot oil back into the fryer and up floats this hairless mouse. The hot oil had singed all its hair off and of course it was then dead as well. She cried.

    I think its sad, but also funny.

    Very true story, I promise

  3. Unflushed or clogg toilet up to the rim of the toilet.

    Flies buzzing around order/pick up area.

    I have been declining my fast food choices steadily. Preferring to eat at home, which has helped me lose weight.


  4. I was watching tv, and they were talking about worst fast food experiences people have seen, one person brought a video tape of a person working at a fast food place, they ran out of tomatoes, and they just found one in the trash and used that and gave it just like that to the customer, i thought it was very sick they should have sued the person!!!

  5. a cook cut up a cockroach and put it in a mans spaghetti (for a personal vendetta he had towar the guy) and told me when the guy was eating it!!!..Pretty gross !!

  6. My dad and I were sitting down eating when we looked out into the play area and saw mice...TONS OF THEM....running around, climbing the nets, ect. We told the manager, and she said that they have been having problems since the neighborhood cat died. Yuck!

  7. Um I worked at McDonalds for about 4 months... and saw some pretty gross stuff.

    One of the worst was this guy was getting a customer a milkshake and a fly flew in the cup right as it started coming out, so the fly was at the bottom, the guy saw and just laughed and still gave it to the customer. It was so gross.

    The most common was people not washing their hands. period.

    I have more, but I dont want to get too gross. But I will say, I only saw them spit in someone's food once, and I did throw the burger away so no one ate it!

  8. A flying roach at a taco shop but we still ate there

  9. I found out after the fact that a cook at Waffle House in Gulf Shores,AL made a chocolate waffle out of exlax and served it to another employee. they rushed him to the hospital because they thought he had a ruptured appendix. The cook that did it told them what he had done and they fired him.

  10. I bit into a FROZEN fry once at McDonald's!

  11. well it wasn't me but my step dad did

    he went to wendys at a airport and they gave him cold food but they ate it any ways and he got food poisning but what happened is it gave him acid reflexes and i could tell he was in pain now he has to take all kinds of medicine and he can't eat alot of things he could before that i know it had to suck for him.

  12. at burger king, i saw a girl drop a burger on the floor, then pick it up and put it on the bun.

  13. A taco bell crunchwrap supreme.

    Never again

  14. I saw a guy working at a Del Taco once picking his nose as he was preparing the food.

    Needless to say, my girlfriend and I reported him to the manager, and the guy was fired on the spot!

    Even though it's been more than 10 years, I haven't eaten there since!

  15. I once went to a restaurant and there were roaches on the floor and hair in the food.  

    I didn't provide a name for privacy reasons.

    Hope this is what you were looking for!

  16. I got a rolled up piece of foil in my fries!? at Micky D's. how bizarre is that!@#$%?

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