
What's the worst things or living creatures to be reincarnate into?

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Lets say reincarnation does exsist and like people say, "if you're a bad person in this life, you will turn into something bad and ugly in your next life." I want to hear from you. As a form of punishment what do you think is the worst to be reincarnate into and why?

Im looking for something that last for a long time.... with sorrow or shame or whatever..... Unlike Roaches, they are ugly and dirty but then again they can probably end their life faster if they just to suicide under a human foot (which is not a bad punishment...) . Know what im talking about?




  1. An Orange

    So Called People

  2. I definately wouldn't wanna come back a fly. You run the risk of getting hit by windshields and your diet consist of dog **** and rotten road kill.

  3. a slug.   because u are slimy and stick all your life and move at an average rate of a foot a day.  what a boring and pathetic life that must be

  4. Duh.  You can only reincarnate as your bad, sorry, pathetic, shame full self*, and that would be punishment enough.  To live this life completely over, right from your first breath.  Without the benefit of the last life experiences. The only other way is one level, of human being, better.  (after many lessons) And that, my friend, is KARMA.


    * not you personally, everybody.

  5. just plain out sin

  6. Being a microbe that lives in the darkness of the bottom of the ocean. Reincarnated into something that will never see the light of day.

  7. A lab rat


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  9. hungry ghosts, they are the lowest reincarnation

  10. a turtle. =  they live a long long time... so they'll have to suffer for a long long time...; no defense against predators, slow and can't escape from anything;  hard time drinking and eating (have you seen a turtle trying to feed itself?)  ;

  11. Cockroach.  If you are seen, they call in the Orkin man.  

    Gee, you didn't want cockroaches.....


  12. Wouldn't work like that, you choose the life you come back to, so if you want to be a roach probably you would be. Nothing to do with punishment you decide what experience you need to experience. So if you want to get trampled on you could be an ant, if you want to be caught in a web you'd be a fly, want to weave a web be a spider, but why would you when you have the human race to experience through with all their pain. You'd be missing out on pizza, curry and all the things that make being human bearable.

  13. Probably a witch or a night runner .

    Thanks for asking

  14. this thread

  15. Bucket scum.

  16. I think being reincarnated as a dung beetle would be pretty disgusting. Thankfully, I haven't done anything bad enough to be one. I'd probably end up as some sort of lizard.

  17. To be born a stud at a horse breeding barn!!!

  18. Any animal that has to put up with abuse from humans - one that lives in a lab for 20 years - imprisonment and torture - can't think of anything worse than that.

    Monkey World has some macaques that were taken out of such conditions - they are hideously obese!

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