
What's the worst tragedy that ever struck in your own country?

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You can mention your country, the date of the tragedy and if it is a natural disaster, war or maritime tragedy.




  1. Ireland The Irish Holocaust 1845-1850


    If you take all the famines in modern history and count all the dead it would not come close to the scale of death from the Irish holocaust.It was not the famine that caused this horrendous death toll but the deliberate shipping out of food while a nation starved.

    Weary men, what reap ye? "Golden corn for the Stranger."

    What sow ye? "Human corpses that await for the Avenger."

    Fainting forms, all hunger-stricken, what see you in the offing?

    "Stately ships to bear our food away amid the stranger's scoffing."

    There's a proud array of soldiers what do they round your door?

    "They guard our masters' granaries from the thin hands of the poor."

    Pale mothers, wherefore weeping? "Would to God that we were dead"

    Our children swoon before us, and we cannot give them bread!"

    "We are wretches, famished, scorned, human tools to build your pride,

    But God will yet take vengeance for the souls for whom Christ died.

    Now is your hour of pleasure, bask ye in the world's caress;

    But our whitening bones against ye will arise as witnesses,

    From the cabins and the ditches, in their charred, uncoffined masses,

    For the Angel of the Trumpet will know them as he passes.

    A ghastly, spectral army before God we'll stand

    And arraign ye as our murderers, O spoilers of our land!"

  2. Greed.

    -all countries in some form, from natural disasters to war to trajedy.

  3. USA

    The false election of George W. Bush.

  4. In the United States........Sept. 11th......8:45-9:45.............the destruction of the world trade center..It was horrific!

  5. Bubonic Plague.  The 14th century eruption of the Black Death had a drastic effect on Europe's population, irrevocably changing the social structure. It was a serious blow to the Roman Catholic Church, and resulted in widespread persecution of minorities such as Jews, foreigners, beggars, and lepers.

  6. In Canada, the Halifax explosion in Halifax harbor, where a large part of the city was leveled, and several thousand were killed.

    It was during the first world war, when two ships, one a munitions ship collided, and caught fire.

  7. World War 2, Britain, 1939-1945.

  8. 9-11-01.  it was a horrible day but it unitd us n made us strongr

  9. The United States - the 1812 New Madrid earthquake.  A natural disaster that caused the Mississippi River to run backwards and eventually changed its course, killed thousands of people, and the scars are still visible to prove it.

  10. 911

  11. 1st of May 1169.

    From hence we were subjected to 800 years of severe oppressive English rule.

    And you wonder why we voted no to the Lisbon Treaty.

    ps: well said Misty Blue

  12. That is 2 different questions i've been on and this guy MichaelStone1690 just makes me laugh. He is an Uneducated Rangers fan and listens too to many bias fellow huns down the lodge. So am I true well yes. You say the I.r.a's Murder campain from 1969-2008 okay Michael even thought that isn't you name in August 1967 a Catholic barman was murdered at the hands of the ulster volunteer force the first murder of the troubles an innocent man with no connections murdered by the U.V.F. So as the years went by in the summer of 1969 3000 Protestants attacked the enclave of short-strand (East Belfast)  This was the first time the P.I.R.A used weapons killing 5 U.V.F members so over the years as you say " The IRAs murder campaign against protestant people" you tell me how many I.R.A did the U.V.F kill in their war with the I.R.A 11/12  was it  but they did manage to kill hundreds of innocent catholics.

    The had a percentage of 81.9% killed were innocent civilians compared to the I.R.A's 31.1% although this considered prison officers Royal family cabinet ministers etc. MichaelStone1690 is an uneducated Rangers fan with an Uneducated Opinion take no notice.Lol You say the highland clearances so you tell me why Scotland and Ireland is different  he is some things the Scottish and Irish had in common during the clearances when under English oppression.

    >Potato famine (Scotland and Ireland)

    >Ban on Speaking Gaelic(Ireland) and Gallic(Scotland)

    >Ban Traditional Instruments such as bagpipes

    So think about it Scotland and Ireland both suffered under English oppression and both resulted in Jacobite war in Scotland 1746 (Battle of Culloden) and 1690 ( Battle of the Boyne) you'll read this and be in denial take your concentration of your fellow orange men and Rangers fans and read the facts it was the same position you are just confused.

  13. WW 1   and   WW  2

  14. Northern Ireland 1969-2008 The IRA's murder campaign against the Protestant people,

    Scotland- The Highland clearances

  15. Getting soaked in water.

    Shaked and waked up the dead Mummy.

    The dead Mummy told us no such thing.

    At loss and blurr.

    How do we communicate with the dead Mummy with empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets?

    Caught the monkeys by the tail.

    With self lack of knowledge.

    Without being aware of it.

    How the creeps all creeps out from the graveyards in time.

    Luke 6.39.40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  16. suprised at all the 911 c**p...yes, i cant deny it was horrific and terrible...but come on....

    try the great depression or pearl harbor

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