
What's this mean?

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Lastnite while I was laying in bed and I was in that half asleep half awake mode I had this dream, or vision or whatever you want to call it.

There was a door. And the door was opening slowly and this blinding light was shining through it. Then WHOOSH the door flies open and WHOOSH I go through the door into the blinding light. Once I was through, I could see....the gallows I guess, but there was only one pole and one noose on that deck looking thing, and further behind that, there was steps of stone, going way high up into the sky.

What do you make of that?




  1. To dream that you are entering through a door, signifies new opportunities that will be presented before you.

    To see light in your dream, denotes a clear mind, plain understanding,  and insight.

    To see a noose in your dream, represents your fears of being trapped or lack of independence.

  2. Red this is easy, you are telling yourself that you must journey  out into the unknown... have you considered a move or a change of jobs of some sort? You must expand the life you are living and venture out. Good Luck

  3. you're gonna get hung and go straight to just guessing based on what you said. that sounds like a crazy dream

  4. To me, it sounds like something to do with death and afterlife. Naturally, the gallows represent death, and I'm guessing that the steps of stone would represent steps to heaven or to the 'afterlife' or whatever you believe in.

    Dreams are difficult to's hard to tell without any more context. For example, were there any deaths in your family? Have you been thinking about death or religion lately?

    I hope this helps!
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