
What's this weird bug in my house?

by  |  earlier

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i've seen like 3 of them today.

they look like large black ants, but they have wings and they can fly, but they usually seem to walk. when they fly they fly a short distance and they dont make very much noise.

i thought it was a large black ant untill i saw a small pair of clearish wings. i thought the wings were just for show untill it flew a ways.. and started to walk around again..

they have antennas like an ant too... they creep me out. i dont like bugs. the end of their body is kinda pointed, but i dunno if it stings..

what the h**l are these things? and where did they come from?




  1. I would guess one of the many types of parasitic wasps...wasps are cousins to ants and many can really look more ant than wasp.   Hard to say where they may of come from...some species may be feeding on a caterpillar...others may of emerged from fire wood after feeding on wood boring beetle larvae

  2. Not sure, could be a termite or maybe an Organ Pipe dirt dauber. Here's a picture of an Organ Pipe dirt dauber. :)

    They are rarely agressive. If a few got in they could be building a nest. Look around your house and see if you see their "organ pipe" mud house. See these pictures: :)

    Don't be afraid, they won't bite, neither will the termites, they only want the wood in your house..

    If it's not a dirt dauber, check the termites on this page and see if it's like any of them. If it's termites you'll need to get rid of them. Best thing to do is call a pest control company and let them treat your house all over. Here's a page to check them out(the termites) Lol..

  3. We have the exact same thing.. but we have hundreds and hundreds.. we just spray them with ant killer.. We have never had them before, but all of a sudden they just invaded... check you bed bc there was some in mine.. they dont bite also

  4. There is such a thing as a flying ant.  We have a wood-burning stove for heat in the winter and my husband has made me vigilant about watching for certain bugs in the house coming in off the wood.  I remember the flying ants as being one he really didn't want in the house. (sorry, I don't remember why)  Here's an article on comparing flying ants to termites

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