
What's to stop someone from buying a short train ticket and staying to the last stop when they only check once

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What's to stop someone from buying a short train ticket and staying to the last stop when they only check once




  1. On the trains I ride, the "zone" is clearly printed on the ticket.  The conductor marks your SEAT to know when you should be getting off....

    And, if you get caught in California you pay a $250 fine...if you "assault" the conductor you pay another $500 and get 90 days in jail.

  2. The ballast is awfully hard on human flesh when the conductor throws you out at 75 MPH.

  3. Honesty (on your part), memory (on the part of the ticket collector), and automatic ticket barriers at stations that have them.

    Remember that doing that is theft and is treated in court as such.

  4. Theft of service charges, fines, court fees. If you get caught, it'll cost you more than a hundred free rides. Train services like to throw the book at people who cheat.

  5. There's nothing to stop you from doing that, since you don't have any scruples.

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