
What's up People's?????????/

by Guest63663  |  earlier

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Well I wanted to catch your opinion on Chivas home game now being shown on Telemundo I had no idea that Chivas had moved but good to see M league on telemundo again

and what do you guys think about Kikin recalled to El Tri?

P.S people for the million time if you guys keep paying attention to those so called MLS Supporters you will not win only lose because by paying the little attention they r seeking they win so just BOYCOTT the questions




  1. like ive said before i dont care what channel chivas games are passed, as long as they are LIVE!! I dont care if its telemundo, univision, telefutura, azteca, Pbs, long as its live thats all i really care about........

    about kikin going to seleccion? well Erickson i guess saw something in him that he liked, i heard that in tigres he is playing a new role, he aint the "9" of the team anymore....

  2. i already knew this cus ive been seeing there news and saw commercials

    kikin in tri i found out by official web

    another surprise was horacio cervantes called up

    august 11 and 12 will be the practice

  3. Yeah Telemundo will show the Chivas games. I don't think Telemundo is dope but its alright. Kikin in El Tri? What a joke he can't believe it himself.

    They are nobodys in the real World. They are trying to go up against Mexicans. Dumb SOB's

  4. Well with all the respect but I'm an America fan so Chivas games on Telemundo don't really affect me, i don't really like Kikin Fonseca in the seleccion he's not at the level required to play international games, and i agree with you with all the MLS thing going on.

  5. i hate telemundo its bad enough M.NT games are shown there i prefer azteca.

    im not to fond of kikin but he played well vs jaguares.

  6. Wow telemundo are showing the olympics and Chivas games, alright TV is fun again.

    i personally like the commentators from Telemundo more than the ones on Telefutura, the ones from Telefutura, never hardly commentate on actual game play they are always like " did you hear this player might play for mexico..........."

    the other commentator " yes Ive heard about that but the chances are slim and...."

    Team scores a goal

    " Oh wait hold on... GOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!"

    Just my opinion

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