
What's up with Andruw Jones? In 175 At Bats this season with the Dodgers, he only has 29 hits, 6 DB's, 2 HR's

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and 11 RBI's and is batting .166. And the Dodgers are paying him 18 million this season and 18 million next season. Wow, what a bust this guy has turned out to be, and he's only 31 years old, in his 13th season and has 370 career HR's, what happened to this guy? No more juice?;_ylt=AtBzEgbTj5axznYE3dDlbcuFCLcF




  1. Technically I think he is fine. I know he has been nicked up somewhat. But what it normally always comes down to is $$$$$$$$$. He got that huge contract and has been a bum ever since. I am not sure how much weight he has put on but I know that he looks like a sumo wrestler right now. He is eatin good, living that west coast lifestyle. His baseball hunger just does not appear to be there. I hope he turns it around cause I loved the guy when he played for the Braves

  2. he is washed up. they should release him and give his money to Martin.

  3. I think he has always been a lazy player, but when he was younger, he could get away with it because of his natural physical abilities. He is older now and had not learned, or cared to learn, how to work HARD to stay good.

  4. Well, he was pretty much on his way down on his way out of Atlanta. Atlanta knew he wasn't worth it. He's just undisciplined at the plate and he always will be. He's been doing it since 1996. Pitchers know he will chase anything. Yes, he had past success but he stopped listening to the people trying to help him with his hitting. He wouldn't listen to TP for nothin' with Braves.

  5. He came into camp overweight, and he swings late on every pitch. Dodgers need to bench or cut him when pierre comes back.

  6. he sux

  7. No steriods!! Same as everyone else.

  8. I wish we could send him town to the minors to get his c**p together. If he can't, then release him. I'd rather eat the money and not have a pitcher and a guy who's batting less than some of our pitchers to worry about in the lineup. Doubtful, but hey, I can hope at least.

  9. bad

  10. whats up with andruw jones?

    His Weight

  11. Perhaps Dodgers originally intended to sign 'Chipper' Jones.....they made a mistake and signed the wrong Jones.  

    Too late for Dodgers.  The damage is done.

  12. He showed up to spring training way overweight and out-of-shape, for starters.  There have been a ton of rumors going around that now that MLB is watching the "roids" he lost his edge, but that may just be rumor.  He's definitely not worth the big cash he's getting right now with these numbers.

  13. i was thinking the same thing.Hes doing the worst.

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