
What's up with Disney Channel these days?

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So I was just wondering why do people seem to LOVE the new Disney Channel stars so much? (ex: Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Demi Lovato, the list could go on forever). They're terrible at acting and sometimes I find myself doubting they can even sing. The songs they sing don't even have any deep meaning to them. I think they're getting waaay to much attention when there are REAL artists out there who actually have talent and people hardly even notice them.




  1. Because the world is full of people who are all carbon copies of one another where as disney channel stars posess a unique and fresh talent while being appropriate as well as offering something for people of every age. Think about it for a minute. Artists today are bad influences on children and teens by promoting things like drugs and s*x in their music. Disney channel stars don't do that (although who knows what's going to happen if young children find out about Vanessa Hudgens and Miley Cyrus' picture scandals) Still I think people underestimate them and don't give them deserved credit simply because they are disney stars.

  2. Disney Channel stars are liked by Disney Channel watchers which consist of 6 to 12 year olds. Duh.

    But I do like Vanesssa Hudgens.

  3. yeah it really does suck

    that's why i stoped watching

    lil kid shows.they are all wack

  4. Its because of all the little girls who watch it, they make all those crappy teens who think they can sing/act famous. In the process they push all the good singers in the shadows. Its only when the stupid fad of them end that the good singers come out.

    So blame all the little kids

  5. Wow, i couldn't agree with you more. They are just overrated, well because parents will do anything to make their kids happy.

  6. amen 2 dat !!!!!!

  7. Remember the old days of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?  Ahhh... those were the good days.


    The Disney actors and such are so stupid! I mean, honestly, the Jonas Brother suck, High School Musical is for Elementary school, Hanna Montanna has three names (first Destiny, then Miley, now Hanna) GET REAL PEOPLE!!!!

    EDIT: All I Need Is You ♥ I think YOU need to see them for who they are. Their songs have NO MEANING whatsoever! Totally pointless! And stupid!


  9. actually they only get noticed by kids...

    like you for example......

    but yea your right, there are alot of artist who deserve the attention more..

  10. yeah, there used to be soo much better shows on disney back in the day. now its all c**p

  11. true i have to agree i am 13 and all my friends like it but i dont

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