
What's up with John MCcain's stubby arms?

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What's up with the GOP's generally stubby approach to the iupcoming election.




  1. "He has a big head and liiiittle arms' because hes a T-rex,obviously.

  2. McCain suffered severe injuries from his plane being shot down and his subsequent POW experience.  The GOP has too many knuckle draggers to satisfy to allow much of a campaign.

  3. Well it probably has something to do with the fact that he was taken prisoner and held captive in hanoi after his fighter jet was shot down and he crashed into the jungle, broke both his arms, was stabbed with a bayonet and tied up and then tortured. Why do you care? If you asked him that he would probably dropkick you in the face. John Mccain is a pretty cool dude.

  4. oh..that is noble quality

    but good solider doesn't equal to good leader right?

  5. It's not just his arms, it's his whole body! That man is old as h**l. He needs to be on somebody's porch rocking in his chair!~

  6. you spend 5 years getting tortured...see how your body ends far as the election...his approach IS working....Obama is sinking now in the Polls like the Titanic

  7. He broke his arms when his plane crashed into a lake in Vietnam. The Vietnamese couldn't set his bones properly and so his arms healed awkwardly. He was also tied up and beaten for years, so he can't actually extend his arms over his head or rest them comfortable on his sides. Does that answer your question?

  8. its called medical injury from torture GENUS.  my god, if this is a determing factor for liberal socialists and who they want for a candidate i fear there are FAR more serious problems here than who to elect for president.

  9. He is a POW!

  10. He's a mutant--he was like that before he went to Vietnam to kill gooks. Only mutants are actually ELIGIBLE to become US President.

  11. How inappropriate.

    He was tortured for five years.  That takes alot out of a person - stop making stupid remarks about peoples arms or hair.

    We are voting for the highest 2 positions in the USA.  Use common sense and vote for McCain/Palin 08

  12. John McCain deserves disfigurement after cheating on his wife after she was disfigured in a terrible car accident. He started seeing his current wife who was 24 at the time he was 42 before he asked his wife for divorce. She was rich, younger, prettier, and skinnier. He is a whoremonger, a cheat, an opportunist and a liar and his new wife is a home wrecker! He will not get my vote for president!!!! That's for sure. No family values!!!!!!!!! Who cares if he was a POW. Those are the hazards of serving in the military. Those are the risks you face. Our troops need to come home from that uneccessary madness.

  13. ask a politician only they can answer that

  14. they have never healed after he was shot down and they were broken and not set then he sufferd for 5 1/2 yrs as a pow.

  15. nobody  knows,  these  politicians  are  unpredictable  pets  ,  so  gentle  while   waiting  to  be  feed  ,  but  whenever  there  is  something  that  they  aren`t  like  they  would  just   grab  and  bite.  Almost   the  same  with  people  ,  during  campaign,  they  promised  to  lower  taxes  , improve  the  condition  of  their  citizen,   so many  strategy  they  would  do,  including  not  to  lodge  war anymore...etc...but  from  our  eyes , who  are  not  inside  americas  premises  i  think  we  could  properly  analize  whats  happening  to  your  politics.

    What  I  see  is  Mc  Cain   already  over  70s  ,  a  young  beautiful  wife  , adding  to the  combination  is  a  running  mate  just  like  his  daughter...    to  attract  womens  voters.maybe.  Because  he  is  already  old  ,  what  he  thinks  is  the  same  as  the  past  president`s done .  america`s  economy  is   on  a  verge  of  collapse  ...and  in  order  to  improve  a  little  he  might  lodge  another  war    and  send  americas  young  sons  to   the  the  field , increase  the  taxes  to  finance  it  .. the  result  would  be  a  americas  bancruptcy...and  no  allies  would  support  them  anymore  because  thy`ve  seen  them  all  already...I  mean  americas   world  policing  policy. technique,  which  turns  out  to  be  always  in  theyre  making,  nothing  good  came  out  .

    What  america  needs  now  is a  leader who  would  focus  and  attend  its  own  citizens  affair  and  not  attending  another  countries business  ,  or  else  they  would  end  up  frustrated  and  its  individuals     hungry.  

  16. You've obviously never served in the armed forces. If you had, you would have more respect for a man who gave years of his life as a prisoner of war. Whether you believe in his ideas, his political party, or anything else he stands for, you would show him respect for that. You should be ashamed.

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