
What's up with Leviticus' laws?

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Why are some quoting them as fact and some saying they are not used anymore. Is there any consensus here, or is it just a free for all today?




  1. We are under the new covenant now

  2. As with the rest of the Bible, just choose which ones you want to follow....

  3. They were for Israel, not the gentiles.  

  4. Most is retarted non-sense.  Like God wanted people to wack up animals and burn them for His pleasure.  No. It is just stupid sick OT priests that wanted power (Jere. 8:8), lying pen of the scribes wrote the c**p.  Christians, get real.

  5. Christianity is a free-for-all religion.  Anything goes if it is beneficial at the time.

  6. Love is the greatest gift and the most powerful law in the whole entirety of the Bible.  Love wipes out everything else.  If we all have that love that filled the whole being of Jesus; all other laws in the bible will be trivial because we would never travel down that road of temptations to hard to bear.

  7. You ask this question, then state the question cannot be answered, yet you are quite mistaken.

    The entire legal system of Israel was a covenant between God and Israel.  Christians were never a party to that covenant law.  That covenant law in its entirety is not binding on anyone anymore, as it ended upon the death of the party of the first part.


  8. "You should take the Bible as a whole."

    [Insert Bible verse about fools here]

    [Insert another random Bible verse here for good effect]

    Doesn't make sense to me either, no matter how many times it is asked.

  9. The laws in Leviticus applies to Jews only. Gentiles are not obligated to follow them.

    Perhaps some people pick and choose or feel comfortable with some and not others. I don't know. I only know the laws are for the Jews (I am Jewish) and not any other group (though anyone can follow them if they choose). Only we are obligated.  

  10. Everything you need to know on the subject will be found here:

  11. Christians have a variety of answers on this - most accept that the laws are not binding, BUT since Christianity still sees the "OT" as an important part of Christianity, and since the commandments that survived Jesus's "new covenant" are all taken from the Torah, they still quote them.  It seems sort of hypocritical, or at least confused, to simultaneously say the laws don't apply and then to use them to attack peoples' behavior.   But perhaps that's just a matter of different Christian denominations disagreeing among themselves, where some still consider the laws valid and others don't.

    When Jews quote the laws, it's because Jews still consider them to be binding.  But we only believe they are binding to Jews, not to all of humanity.  So unless someone is specifically asking about Jewish law, we're not likely to respond with Bible quotes.

    For the record, there was no guy named "Leviticus."  That's a Latin word meaning "pertaining to the Levites (priests)."  The Hebrew name for the book is Vayikra, which means "And he (G-d) called" - according to Jewish tradition, books are named after the first important distinguishing word which appears.

  12. the Leviticus holds laws for the Levites (a caste of israelite priesthood) on how to attend service in the Temple, since there is no more Temple, those laws don't apply.

  13. The Law has been both fulfilled and abolished through the death and resurrection of MY  Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  Does that mean it's okay to have a free-for-all sin party?  Absolutely NOT!  For TRUE believers it would make the dying of Jesus null and void.  Why would anybody who has turned their life over to Christ want to spit in His face by assuming that it's alright to do whatever you want now?  To be "born again" means our wholehearted devotion and obedience to Him.  I know we all sin and fall short of the glory of God because it is impossible for our sinful human nature to flawless.  If we were perfect, we would be without sin and it would be us getting bashed in this forum.

  14. That was a collection of Jewish tribal laws way back when such laws were necessary for health and tribal survival.  For example, it wasn't safe to eat pork or shellfish because of quick spoilage with no refrigeration.  Masturbation and homosexual activity were prohibited because they were considered a waste of potential life (not having babies to keep the tribe going), and marrying someone from another tribe was a threat to the tribe's cultural survival.  Those laws are no longer necessary, but fundamentalist Christians like to use the words they find in the Bible to justify their hate.  You can find a verse somewhere in the Bible to back up just about anything you like, but they forget to take into account the source.  Not everything in the Bible was said by God.  The entire Old Testament is a collection of folk tales and ancient tribal laws such as this, written down by people such as Leviticus, not by God.  The only things that God actually said are found in the Gospels of Jesus, the first four books of the New Testament.   Those people who like to put words into God's mouth also forget that Jesus only preached love for all.  They also conveniently don't notice that they are committing the greatest sin of all, which is presuming to know and represent the mind of God.

  15. those who state that those laws where only for jews and not gentiles...think it through...if Gods law is only for the jew then so to is salvation...

    Salvation is for everyone....the dietary laws are for everyone..

    good health both spiritually and physically...

    the new covenant is salvation for everyone....

  16. The law applies to the individual. If you know you've broken any of them, then you know you need the savior God provides to wash away your sin. Any of those sins listed in Leviticus can be forgiven if you bring God repentance in your heart.  

  17. They were for those who came out of Egypt !

    God wanted them to behave like His people, not Hebrew slaves who had Egyptian behavior !

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