
What's up with McDonald's restaurants not participating with the radio ads?

by  |  earlier

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McDonald's has an ad on the radio - for tomorrow - Tax day. Their ad states that if you buy a Big Mac at the regular price, you get the second one for a penny!!! Of course, I asked the manager at the Mc D's by me if they're honoring it tomorrow, and of course they said NO. So, how many of you have a Mc D's in your neighborhood that DOES honor the ad on the radio ???? I know it says " at participating restaurants". So I want to know how many of you out there has a participating Mc Donald's of this radio ad !!! You don't have to even buy anything, just ask.




  1. Oh I so love this issue.  I work at a McDonald's that is only an hour drive from company own (I work at a privatly owned) and I am constantly having to explain that we are not participating in this or that its because we don't have to for everything something we do some we don't.

  2. I haven't heard the ad, but it sounds like the restaurant you went to is a privately owned franchise. The independant owner can decide whether they want to participate in promotions that the company offers. I personally think it's bad business. As you have alread experienced, you are now upset with that particular restaurant, so even if you do continue to go to McDonalds, you will probably not go to that one anymore, or won't go there anytime there's a promotion, whether they participate or not.

    There must be restaurants that are participating in your area, or they wouldn't have paid all the money to advertise it on the radio. But you have to remember that radio airwaves cover a lot of distance, so the nearest company owned or participating McDonalds may be 20-30 miles away.

    You have conflicting info in your question...first you say that the promo is buy one get one for a penny, but in your last sentence, you say you don't have to buy anything. Which is correct?

    Added: Okay, I get the part at the end. Thanks for clarifying.

    The corporation pays for the ads. They privately owned or franchise restaurants pay a huge sum of money up front to "buy" the McDonalds name, and they also pay a monthly franchising fee to the corporation to pay for things like national advertising. That's why I said there must be some company owned stores in your area, because if they were all franchises, and none of them were participating, the corporation would not pay to have the commercials aired if they knew they were advertising something the customer would not be able to would be a waste of money. Like you said, they put that little disclaimer in the ad saying "Prices and participation may vary", meaning that not all restaurants will have it, and if they do, they have the right to charge more than the company's suggested price.

  3. record the ad and sue them.

    jk jk. but that would be cool.

    P.S. did it say "participated restaurants only"?

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