
What's up with all these 14 year olds asking how they can make money online?

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Don't their parents give them an allowance?




  1. I just skip those post...and wonder sometimes what the heck they want money for...but same time, i think they just wanna be or feel like those young actors who are at their age and rich...ha ha

  2. I don't know but did he just ask again?

  3. It's not a person. It's a spambot. A spambot is a program that sends the questions for advertisement (evidenced by the fact that there is always a certain answerer who answers the same way to lead people to a company).

    Whenever you see the question, report it, and in the "Additional Details" box, write "SpamBot". Do the same for that answerer who answers the question all the time with the same response.

  4. i know! what the h**l is a 14 year old gonna spend money on anyways?

  5. I guess he's / she's  tired of cuddling his /her teddy bear and is now looking to achieve some attention here...  Best to ignore it like the "plague"...

    Rachelle In High Heels

  6. He's obviously a very bored,annoying little spammer.

  7. a lot of people don't get allowance...and people like money!

  8. It's a troll wanting someone to offer them money for doing sexual things.

  9. It's one annoying stupid person.

  10. I have noticed that too!

    Wonder where are their parents at?

    Parents refuse give them their money?

  11. It's one person. Should we set up a fund to pay him not to post? We could slip a die pack in with the cash... just for fun.

  12. hoollllly c**p I know!  

  13. I don't know but they should have gotten a summer job instead of just lying around all summer.

  14. I know huh, the need to go to the park or out to play with their friends and if not their parents should give them allowance I think you handsome thing.

  15. Its the same stupid person asking it over and over again

  16. I just wonder why they can't find a cute little job and are asking for one in the GLBT section...

  17. Haha,

  18. As the one above me states. This is a spam bot. The first answer is lengthy and leads to a spam site. It is usually reported by someone before the majority get to the question and is deleted.

  19. There is obviously an implication there.... just sick.  

  20. No doubt. At 14 I had a paper route, babysat, mowed lawns, shoveled, and ran errands for anyone that needed my assistance.

    Our world is sure different today huh!

  21. I dunno. I've had a job since I was 12. I never needed any kind of internet to get one.  

    Either it's:

    a.) a scam

    b.) a kid who is too young to know it's a scam

  22. my question is why the heck is he posting in the g*y L*****n trans section

  23. It's 4pm, do you know where your children are?

  24. They really need to be doing their homework instead so they can graduate and actually get a job to make the money they are wanting.  I agree with you 100%.

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