
What's up with g*y "bashers"?

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I live in Denver - we had the democratic national convention here all week, of course. Down town all week there have been protesters with signs saying (among others) things like "god hates f**s", "Go to h**l g**s", etc.

My first question is WHY DO THEY THINK THEY NEED TO BE AT EVERY FUNCTION? Soldier's funerals, national conventions, presidential speeches, etc. They are pretty much everywhere. Do they think they will somehow convince g*y people to "turn off their gayness" or that they will somehow change something with this behavior? Which brings me to my second question: WHAT DO THEY THINK THEY WILL ACCOMPLISH?

I've noticed that most of them are extreme "christians" too, which brings me to my third question: IF THEY REALLY ARE CHRISTIAN WHY ARE THEY GOING AROUND TELLING PEOPLE GOD HATES THEM? Aren't they supposed to spread the word that god loves everyone and will help them and make them "better"?

I have several friends that are g*y and these things offend me personally, but I believe that if you look through someone else's perspective you can figure out what's driving them. I am trying to understand these strange people better. Can anyone give me some insight into these people?




  1. They are g*y.  Period.

  2. I can't really give an appropriate incite on this. I'm not g*y but I'm not a g*y brasher and the only thing I can think of is they want attention and they need anger management...maybe more counseling by Miss Manners.

  3. Most g*y bashers are people who are taking what they read in the bible to whole new heights of crazy. I agree, there is no reason for them to go making fools of themselves at someone's funeral  or whatever. I understand that they want the world to only revolve around them and their beliefs, but they don't quite understand that not everyone believes the same as they do.

    As for what they want?

    I honestly think they want people who are openly g*y to be dragged out and shot. I think they want people to be afraid to do anything other than what they consider the norm.

    If they "won" their position on g*y people, I think they would then work on other things like women in the work place, or women wearing pants and not skirts. s*x before marriage, and all that kind of thing.

    Just my opinion.

  4. yeah, it's my understanding thet God loves everyone too. however, you have to excuse ignorant ppl that have nothing else better in their lives, than to "stir" up things. i think there are more important things to worry about, rather than someones' lifestyle. does God hate our soldiers because they kill? does God hate them for hating? of course, they can be the ones to throw the first stone, because their life is perfect, and they have NEVER sinned or done anything against God. unfortunately, when we have the "freedoms" that we do, we have to sometimes except the bad with the good. i usually let things like that roll off my back, and i worry about the things that matter. sure, you go wave your sign and yell at ppl if that makes you feel better. it doesn't stop me from being whom i am....i'm not g*y btw....but i have friends that are too. i once had a talk with one of my co-workers about being g*y. he believed 100% that it was a choice. while i know there are some out there that do chose, i know most don't. it's ignorant to think it to be ONE thing and ONE thing only. the possibilities of things are massive, and to narrow it down to JUST that is stupid. open your minds.

  5. Some people just seem to have a strong faith in something, whether its their religion, preferences, their job, their kids, etc... And they feel they need to preach to the world, that they may be responsible for opening someone's eyes. I agree they can be annoying but they are entitled to their opinion, no matter how close-minded or violent it can be sometimes. Anyone receiving advice from these people should just be friendly but ignore them. Maybe someday the whole world will understand that all that matters is if you are a good person, with a good heart and that you have the ability to love and be loved. And then all these protests will be put to rest. Until then, just smile and walk away.  

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