
What's up with me? Any answers?

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Um....Okay...One minute, I feel lost and not where I am...but somewhere else.. Like..I'm sitting somewhere...But my mind is floating around somewhere I don't know. Then the next minute, I feel happy, and very alive. Then the next, I find myself feeling sexier than I should. Then the other, I am feeling scared of everything.. Then, I feel like crying for no particular reason. I'm 13. Horomones?? Or something more serious?? Please answer. Thanks!




  1. probably just hormones.

    and stress could be apart of it.

    i went through this a lot when i was that age.

    and as a 15 year old, i still do.

    it's probably not anything serious,

    but if you do continue to have such mood swings,

    you might want to go to a doctor.

  2. sounds pretty normal to me

    this to shall pass

    get out and do something fun


    play a sport

    ride a bike


    kick box

    yell at the top of your lungs

    good luck

  3. I think that you need to talk to you mom, or maybe a counselor at school.

    It has been a long time since I was 13, so the only advise I have is to talk to someone other than in here.

  4. Yea - sounds like your female hormones are coming upon you.  My wife gets that way once or twice a month.

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