
What's up with my 9 year old daughters behavior?

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My daughter has always been very much a follower, doesn't like to play by herself and has never been one to entertain herself. She switched to public from private school this year and we have noticed some unfavorable changes. Specifically about a boy in class that everyone complains is annoying, I've recently found out from her teacher that she picks on this child. It breaks my heart. She has a little brother and has never done anything like that at home. She also gravitates to the "bad apples". We have a neighbor girl who I don't allow her to play with but unfortunately they ride the bus and are in the same class. The principal called about an incident. A child had a seizure at lunch and was taken to the hosp. A boy made a comment and my daughter proceeded to tell other children the girl died and went to heaven. I'm very upset and wonder what other things she's done. We try to keep her very busy with activities. I've taken away a classmates b-day party to attend. Suggestions?




  1. Spank her

  2. Seems to me she needs some old-school discipline >:)

    Does she maybe have any grandparents, preferably with a military background or otherwise strict?

    Maybe you could get her involved in some team sports - soccer, basketball etc?

    These things usually pass given time, but I understand how receiving calls from the school principal can be upsetting.

  3. let her know who's boss. When you find out what she did, give her a hard pat on the butt, and take away dolls, tv, computer, etc. You should get her involved with sports and things at school. You should take things away when she is bad.

  4. These types of questions make me nuts because, simply put, You are the adult here.  Your little sweetheart is a little brat and you need to understand that instead of making excuses that "she is really a sweet little girl to her brother."  You said your heart breaks knowing that your kid is picking on another kid and yet YOU allow her to keep doing this.  YOU stop her.  YOU tell her that if you find out that she is continuing this unacceptable behavior that you will give her a spanking that she will remember for years to come.  You need to set the ground rules at home so that you can trust her when you send her out without you by her side.  I am not one for spanking but I see nothing wrong with sending her a SERIOUS message about what will and what will not be tolerated, such as, spreading a rumor that a child died is completely unacceptable.  She is old enough to know better and you are the one who is accountable for her obnoxious behavior.  Be a parent and FIX IT!!

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