
What's up with my Sage plant?

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I recently bought a young Sage plant to add to my herb box, which also contains Chives, Thyme, and Parsley. The plants are evenly spaced, planted in fresh potting soil, and the box is well drained. The original three plants are thriving.

According to most gardening sites, young Sage plants should start off in a small cluster of leaves. In time, it should grow into a woody shrub-like plant.

All that being said, my little plant does not look like that. Instead, it has a vine-like appearance. It's basically one long, thin stem with only a few leaves growing at the top. I've debated cutting it down or tying it up with a stake, but I would like to be sure what is best before I take any action.

Any info would be greatly appreciated. And if you need more information from me, please don't hesitate to ask.





  1. Mine look like the adult plants from the second set of leaves on? I've never seen a "vine" sage. How was the weather shortly after you transplanted it into your herb box? Too much or too little water?

    Not sure what climate zone you're in, but you may still have time to start your own from seed, which would save the plants the stress of replanting, and perhaps offer a better result.

  2. Sage hates a lot of water as does Thyme, they are Mediterranean so they really should be planted in a well-drained poorish soil with very little fertilzer. Take out the Sage and check the roots and see if they're looking healthy. If they are and you can see any tiny leaves further down the stem, cut off the top and it will grow much more bushy. If it looks a bit yellow it's definitely being over-watered. Good luck and never mind you can buy another quite cheaply if you lose this one.

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