
What's up with my cigarettes?

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So, I don't know what's up.

I smoke Marlboro Ultra Lights, and it seems that if I let the cigarette sit too long, it goes out. This has just started happening. Did something change?

Are these those new "safety cigarettes" that were being talked about awhile ago? It seems as if they are designed for chain smokers.

I don't like having to take a puff every 10 seconds. I take my time smoking my cigarettes. It's ridiculous. Literally, I have to re-light my cigarette 2 or 3 times per cigarette!

What's up? Did they finally change to the new, safer cigarette to stop fires, etc?

Thanks for all info.

And please don't tell me to stop smoking. It's my life, and I don't smoke in public. I smoke at my own house, so it doesn't affect you if you're not a smoker.

Thanks again!




  1. You need to chuck those cigarettes away, they will kill you. Go and buy a packet of tobacco, papers and filters, and if necessary a roller, and roll your own. Cheaper, longer lasting and tastes much better.  The tobacco in cigarettes is,from my understanding, is kiln dried and retains far more nasties than tobacco that's sun dried as the case for roll-your-own tobacco.

    I have all but given up smoking tobacco. Got to the point now I can take it or leave it.I enjoyed smoking but after 40 years the lungs started telling me time to quit.

    As for them going out all the time, why do you want them to keep going. Think of all that smoke you are missing out on.

  2. they did change all of them, even imported ones must meet the new requirement to automatically extinguish (for safety).

  3. dont smoke and you wont have a problem  

  4. really?

    i smoke those too, i havent noticed anything..

  5. yeah they switched to the saftey no pun intended

  6. You shouldn't smoke. Smoking can cause Tooth decays and Lung cancer. It may take some adjusting but you could make a bright future. Without drugs in your life. But i don't control your life, Do what you want. I at least hope this helped Thanks  

  7. About 3/4 down it will go out because of all the dummies who smoked in bed and lit the mattress on fire.  

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