
What's up with my dog and her weird sounds!? Sounds like she's trying to cough up a lung!?

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We've had our dog for over a year now. She's not a puppy. Not sure of the age, maybe 5 or so. Every so often she starts making this weird sound like she's trying to free a hair ball or something! It usually passes quickly but I'm just wondering if any pet owners know what might be wrong with her. It's not that sound that dogs make when they're going to throw up, it's louder than that and kinda scary. I'm going to make an appointment to have her seen by the vet because it's happening more often lately. If anyone could help me explain this a little better to the vet of if y'all know what could be wrong with her I'd truly appreciate any help you can give. Thank you!!




  1. This collapsed trachea syndrome, often called reverse sneezing.  It is not uncommon in small dogs.  It is a genetic condition and almost always is not harmful.  As you notice it passes quickly but can occur several times a day.  You can try to relax the dog during an episode as this will help the dog to stop trying to bring in air during the collapse.  In very rare cases surgery may be needed.  

  2. dogs dong hack up fur balls like cats do (it passes through the digestive tract) but they can get hair on the back of their tongues that just wont go down.

  3. Call 911!! No really call a vet.

  4. Did you get her from a Kennel or a shelter. It could be a touch of Kennel cough.

  5. Is your dog a Pug?  If so, Pugs make the strangest snorting sound - it's scary and loud... but NORMAL for Pugs.

    Hope this helps.

  6. my dog does that too, she actually did it on one of her visits to the vet, they called it backward sneezing and shes just cleaning out her snisus, nothing to worry about... said its perfectly normal...  

  7. this is happening to my dog too and i dunno wats happening either :(

  8. You dog may be  doing what called a backwards sneeze due to something in it's nose. Sounds like it has allergies. Perhaps since you going to the vet he will have a much better answer for you.

  9. It may be kennel cough, its like a cold that will pass but you must take care of them. The cough sounds dry, almost like if they are trying to cough up a hairball or something.

    Or it could be something like inward breathing. I had and met many dogs that randomly start coughing but it sounds like they cant breath, and their bodies inhale profusely making a really loud noise.

    They pass quickly, i never knew what it really was but i had my dogs do that for years and they are fine.

    If things seem to get worst, always go to the vet.  

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