
What's up with my dog? ?

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Bonny is a 9 year old lab who has mild arthritis. She is healthy in every other respect, not over weight etc. She is always so full of energy it is hard to calm her down on walks and she over does it!

Today me and my brother took her to Finchale Abbey park along with our other two dogs; our 5yo gun dog (lab) and my Cavalier KCS (5 year old). We met up with a friend with her Springer spaniel (10yo). The dogs all had a good run and were out (off leash) for about 1.5 hours. Now as I said Bonny overdoes it sometimes and is sometimes stiff after a day out such as this (they are walked, mainly off leash, for 1 hour twice a day but we take them out on a Sunday to the beach, parks etc.). However now she feels cold and is breathing heavily. She is stiff in her hips (not unusual) but just doesn't seem herself. Now before anyone says "Take her to the vets now!" I am not stupid, and she will be going to the vets in the morning, or later tonight if she worsens. She isn't in any major discomfort, just a bit under the weather! When I say her breathing is heavy, I don't mean she's about to keel over and die, she just seems excessively tired. They've had a good swim today too, any ideas what could be the matter - is she just tired?

Please, don't insult me, I know a lot about dogs, I'm just seeking a second opinion so don't treat me as if I haven't a clue!





  1. having got an overactive elderly lab myself, I would say that she is just exhausted . Mine frequently comes back from a long run sweating and as he cools down feels cold to the touch, I always take a towel with me and dry him off before I come home, I also find that putting him on the leash for the last 15 minutes of the walk helps him calm down, hope this might help and Hope your lab is ok

  2. I'm sure she is simply exhausted. Keep a close eye on her and be sure to keep her quiet.

    For her arthritis I would suggest Glucosamine and Chondroitin. It's a joint supplement. I would also reccomend an Omega 3 supplement (fish oil capsules or cod liver oil).

    If your dog suffers from chronic arthritis I would suggest speaking with your dog's veterinarian about Deramaxx, Zubrin, Rimadyl, Metacam or Previcox. These are all used to relieve arthritis pain in older dogs.

    Just a fact to mention. Although dogs tend to me more sensitive to drugs and medications, buffered aspirin CAN be used (per vet's reccomendation) to relieve pain. However, I do not suggest giving your dog any sort of human medication without first speaking to your dog's veterinarian first!!

  3. It does not hurt to give a dog the occasional Aspirin.

    My gsd has got Arthritis in her front legs and has got very slow on her walks. About once a week I give her an Aspirin and it does help her be able to come on a short walk at least. Most other days she gets a glucosamine tablet and cod liver oil.

    Thats really great that you took on an old dog with Arthritis and I`m sure she just over done the exercise and will be fine after a good rest.

  4. You know your dog better than anyone, it sounds to me like she has overdone it and is exhausted.

    My sister's Lab also had arthritis but like yours thought he was still a pup, he would sometimes lie in his bed after his walk with very heavy breathing but if she said the W word he was up and bouncing again!

    As I said you know him best, vet tonight if you're worried or speak to the vet tomorrow anyway.

    Hop she's ok.

  5. The dog is knacked out will be fine in the morning, I give my gun dog (lab ) cod live oil capsules for his arthritis and it really does help.

  6. i would see how she is in the morning and if she is still the same then take her to the vets! one of my dogs had a similar thing happen to her! the following morning she was fine! As you said if she worsens tonight then she needs to go to the vets but if she is still drinking and does not appear to be in any major discomfort it may just be that she has over done it a bit too much!

    Hope she is ok

  7. did you try giving her an aspirin or advil

  8. I have dogs too, plus I did a search for you. I found out that keeping dogs cool and hydrated helps a lot, especially in the hunting seasons.

    I hope this helps and good luck. I hope Bonny gets better.

  9. I agree with the others that your dog is just worn out from the excess activity and will be fine in the morning.

    I do suggest that you take things a bit easier with her though, try taking her for shorter walks more often, an hour and a half off a lead is a lot for a 9 nineyear dog with arthritis.

  10. arthritis - a common disease of "responsibly-bred" pedigrees....

  11. Its a nine year old lab with arthritis, not a bloody spring chicken, its probably knackered, give it a bit of sugar or a sweet to make sure its blood sugar level is OK, then let her rest. If you know a lot about dogs you should know this !

  12. I am not sure but I think you should take your dog to the vets.

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