
What's up with rice?

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What's up with rice?




  1. Rice prices have gone up because everyone is has changed to corn for corn oil based fuels.

  2. i dunno its always baffled me tho!!

  3. What do you mean?  The price?  The price of crude oil is going to drive up the price of nearly everything.  Bite the bullet.

  4. Love it. Yummy gotta have it at every meal well almost at every meal. I'm Asian.

  5. What's up with rice?

    The prices.

    People are acting like scared little old ladies and are starting to hoard rice... so based upon the simple economic principle of supply and demand.

    When demand goes up, prices follow.

  6. We have to start preparing ourselves for hard times. The U.S. citizens are going to have to radically change the way we consume.

  7. In poor countries that rely on rice as a primary food source, there is a rice shortage due to bad crops this past season. They have started rationing it at a few stores in the US just as a "precaution" but it was also probably done just to get easy media exposure, as some analysts are suggesting.

    You can still buy rice, I just did. No one was lining up around the block for it out of media induced panic, which is far worse.

  8. rice is somthing that can fill u up and u can eat it with practically anything if you wanted to

  9. What exactly do you mean? Rice is great especially if you eat it from a PuertoRican person. My fam eats rice just about every day. Its great and you can eat it with just about anything.

    But again it has to be the real rice grain and cooked to perfection like Spanish people do. NO UNCLE BEN'S

  10. Nothing!!!  -  there is no rice shortage,,

    - - -  ( remember something ,,these stores are bulk sales warehouses )

    Costco and Sam's club MUST have incorrectly priced their bulk stock (50lb bags). AND the entrepreneurs grabbed it up..

    And CNN spread the rumor..

    THE most important FACT is,,,  they are using Their COMPUTERS to regulate what YOU & I can buy..They look at your purchase record..

    There Is NO Fair Market Pricing and we can not reduce our costs by not buying..

    Ask your self you have never seen an empty shelf except for sale items..

  11. Its simple. And its not because of crop failures - they've always happened and its never affected prices in this way.

    It started when the USA converted around 30% of its wheat fields to corn fields to produce bio fuels. The result - a wheat shortage.

    As wheat prices go up, so do flour, bread and pasta. Cattle feed goes up as its made from wheat and so meat prices go up and then milk, cheese, cream, butter and animal fats.

    As wheat products gets expensive, people look for cheaper staples and start buying more lentil and rice products, demand increases but the supply doesnt.

    At the same time, the populations of India and China not only increase but start trading up and buying Basmati rather than cheap rices.

    Rice prices (particularly basmati) rocket and as people cannot afford rice, lentils rocket as well.

    Rice, lentils and wheat produce become too expensive for poor local markets and governments of producing countries ban exports to control prices - result - even bigger worldwide shortages and even higher prices of available rice already on the market.

    The reason there is a world food shortage is because of greedy US farmers,

    Lets all eat potatoes instead.

  12. rice  with indian curry. Yummyyy
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