
What's up with that idiot umpire in Hamburg - Gerry Armstrong?

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First, he almost cost Kiefer his match against Mathieu, when the German stopped play at match point and said the ball was out, circling the mark. Armstrong said it was in, and Hawkeye showed it was out. Kiefer went on to win. Then that spastic umpire does it again to Kohlschreiber in his match against Robredo. Philipp had break point in the 5th game of the second to go up 4 -2 (he was up a set also), and Robredo's shot was called out. The Spaniard challenged and that moron of an umpire first said it was in and then called it out, giving the point and break to Philipp (Hawkeye also showed it to be out). Tommy said his first call should stand, and appealed to the supervisor, who said the point should be re-played. Philipp was put off by this, lost the set and eventually the match. Why isn't Hawkeye available to the players in clay tournaments, when there are incompetent rejects like Armstrong umpiring matches? I hate injustice in tennis, and I witnessed two in as many days.




  1. I completely agree with you. I dont like Gerry Armstrong that umpire. There should be hawk eye on clay, people just assume cause you can pretty much see where the ball has landed on that type of surface, that hawk eye is not needed, which is a load of bull s****! Hopefully the ATP will introduce hawk eye for next years clay season...its just stupid. In fact didnt they have hawk eye on clay for the davis cup at one point ? The best umpire in the game is Mohammad Lahyani I really like him hehe i think he`s cute also hehe Bit old for me but hey lolol

  2. did he get out of the chair at all before he made these calls? i didn't see all of the robredo/kohlschreiber match today.

    no,on clay they don't have the hawkeye installed simply because on clay shots make marks and are clearly visible. if he didn't get out of his seat then shame on him. they have the obligation if the players argue a call,they have the right to make the umpire get out of the chair and check the mark.

  3. Armstrong really ****** it up for Kohlschreiber and if they had Hawkeye, the entire fiasco could have been avoided.  They'd just do the replay and that would be that.  No controversy.  I thought it was bad sportsmanship on Robredo too because I think he knew the ball was out but looking for every excuse to replay the point.  Clay needs to have Hawkeye, no question about it.  Kohlschreiber got robbed though that's no excuse for playing like c**p the rest of the match.  He allowed one bad call to cost him the entire match and he has only himself to blame for that.

  4. he had favoritism with robredo.. or he doesnt likes philipp..

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