
What's up with that!?

by  |  earlier

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I have been having a problem with my long time boyfriend of 4 years. He drinks and when he does he goes over the top!! He goes to court tomorrow for his 2nd dui and this weekend was driving around drunk again!! He didn't get caught, but wtf? We have two kids together and he tries to tell me that he gives me his all, (in one word) He has been abusive once in four years. He is sooo careless. We pay out 140 as of now a month to two different states. He has been to prison for 7 years for 3 gta's. and has still not learned a lesson. He is good when he is not drinking, and he don't drink all the time, but what would posses him to act this way? He is 31 years old!!! Is there any changing even though he has taken classes? I know in my heart I can do better, I have been thinking how I don't even want to be with him anymore but I don't want to give up on it yet. Has anyone been in this situation, and what have you done, or your man or woman done to change for you?




  1. Leave him A.S.A.P. It does not look like you can do any worse.

  2. people don't change.

    it's not your fault, don't blame yourself.

    if you really arent liking the situation you should have a heart to heart talk to him and tell him everything you just said.

    It's your life and you should be happy.

  3. ok 1) if hes got 2 dui's and 3 gta's he gets caught, second this dude sounds clueless, and more importantly doesn't care enough about you or the kids to do something about it. go to family or friends and find someone who is going to treat you the way you ssould to be treated  

  4. Leave him! What are you gonna do if next time he gets in an accident and have the kids in the car? leave him... If he wants help, he will seek it on his own.
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