
What's up with the Japanese Gyaru/Yamanba look?

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  1. I've wondered the same thing. I think it started w the ganguro thing. . .which for some reason reminds me of an ugly version of Lil' Kim. Here's my personal opinion: these girls are rebelling against the traditional Japanese idea of what is beautiful in a girl, i.e. pale porcelain skin, dark straight hair, demur manners, quiet voice, conservative attire, and so on. They are the opposite of all those things--loud, crass, as dark-skinned as they can make themselves (w self-tanning lotion), bleached blonde (or red) curly hair, colorful showy clothes, etc. Some also wear full or partial animal costumes, why. . .? I have also seen these girls camping out on the sidewalks w colorful sleeping bags. . .!? Obviously they do not want to fit in or be part of society and seek only to impress their equally outlandish friends. When you think of the enormous pressures on kids of that age you can't half blame them. I do have to wonder what happens to these girls a few years later though.

    Of course kids here do the same thing, but they don't dress in such an obvious way.  

  2. AGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! you need to warn somebody when you do something like. omg im shocked and almost speechless, huh.

  3. This is what happens when you try to force culture and rules on kids. Sooner or later they rebel. This is like the pink and colorful version of gothic.

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