
What's up with the McKinley Mac?

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I read in Wiki that it's a Big Mac that's only available in Alaska and that it's made with two quarter pound patties. Is it a regular menu item? Have you tried one?




  1. I believe the name is a regional/locale name.

    (Big Mac Celebrates 40th Anniversary)

    The Big Mac is nearly a half pound, with 540 calories and 24 grams of fat. In recent years the company has attempted to change its unhealthy image by introducing low-fat nutritious options. The Big Mac can also be called the Mega Mac, in other countries such as Canada for example, the Big Mac is called Double Big Mac and Alaska has called its Big Mac the McKinley Mac that is made with two quarter pound patties.

  2. No it is too cold out there. lol. But no they tried to copy mc.donalds!

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