
What's up with the anti-Russian propaganda?

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Since it isn't really the Russians attacking Georgia, but the government of Georgia itself, what's the agenda? What is the anti-Russian propaganda for?




  1. This is not propaganda, it is the truth.  Since 1990s Russia has been "uncomfortable" with countries in Eastern Europe joining EU and NATO, with prior republics breaking away and becoming independent.  They want to control everything like in the old times.  They did not smear some blood on the streets - they killed or injured innocent people, bombed cities, and this is not propaganda and not a joke.

    I don't know who thinks we have so much propaganda here in America, but maybe we should send those people to live in Russia for a year with no access to internet or western news, just to read/listen to the Russian news, and then upon return to the US they would find out they lived in a fairy tale for a year.  They have propaganda over there that you would not believe.  It is like living on a different planet.  

  2. they know it still works to say the russians are coming.

  3. The romping, stomping Red Army is back. After hemming and hawing forever, Poland wants the missile defense shield.   They just might need it at that.    

  4. It isn't propaganda.  Russia just baited Georgia into acting against terrorists then did a full out invasion to add bring Georgia either back into their "sphere", prevent them joining NATO, depose their elected President, and gain the Russian National Socialist Workers Party's leaders domestic prestige.  Generally, the west just doesn't like n***s.

  5. The United States and Russia are one of the biggest arch-rivalries in the history of civilization. Since the beginning of the Cold War, each side has inserted propaganda against the other.

    However, there has developed a difference in the propaganda between Russia and the U.S., especially in recent years. During the early years of the Cold War the masses of Americans were told to believe that Russia and its people were basically evil. Government control and supervision of the media was rather strict. Now, this is not the case. The news media is owned and controlled by businessmen and their shareholders, and in many cases, the American news media presents a clear bias against the government (we see this especially during the Bush Administration). The United States does not have a State-run news network. Russia, however, has many.

    There are no Georgian troops in Russia proper. There ARE Russian troops in Georgia proper. These are facts. Forget the news media of both sides and look at the irrefutable evidence. Forget who "started" the incident, but instead look who is prolonging it.

    Just so that I can never be accused of being a victim of "American propaganda", I watch the raw, uncut news feeds of Russian, Georgian, and American leaders speaking on the matter. That way, I get information straight from the mouths of the people in control. I don't like listening to field journalists or news anchors as they will almost always have at least a slight bias. Sergei Ivanov, the Deputy Premier of Russia, speaking on CNN, said that Russian troops were in Georgia proper. The Kremlin says that Russian troops are in Georgia proper. Georgian troops are not in Russia proper. I do not consider South Ossetia to be "Russian", and neither does the rest of the world, except Russia, of course. The residents of South Ossetia, who are mostly of Iranic origin, were only very recently granted passports by the Russian government and instantaneously made citizens. They are Russians by passport only. The Kremlin has also made this clear.

    The YouTube video (you provided the link above) that is sweeping the U.S. and abroad is extremely suspicious. But that is just my personal opinion. The girl keeps looking left to right and seems to be reading a pre-planned statement. This was almost certainly set up. Fox News usually doesn't let people rant on their shows, especially if they don't agree with what they're ranting about, so I was quite surprised that the news anchor was patient with her and didn't contest any of her statements. If I was a Russian and I appeared on Russia Today and said that the Russian troops were causing the problem in Georgia and then thanked the Georgian troops, would I be given the same politeness and patience? I highly doubt it. Realistically, I would probably need a team of bodyguards for quite some time afterwards.

    I hope you will look at the facts I have presented you and the opinions I have made objectively. Based on your question I would surmise that you support the Russian government's explanation of things. But I remind you, objectivity is key. Especially for us people (whether you are Russian, Georgian, or American) that don't make the political decisions. Look for the truth and you will find it.

  6. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. (Old Chinese proverb)

    It seems unlikely that the child was lying. However that does not seem to matter to many of your respondents.

    For many years Georgia was a province of Russia. When the Soviet union broke up they were given Independence. However many of the people living within the borders of the province of Georgia did not want to loose their connection with Russia and even wanted their areas and cities to be independent of the new Georgian government. When they tried to make that happen the New Georgian government used military force to suppress them. It got really bad and a Darfur type situation was possible. Russia stopped that. You could argue that Russia has been a bit too zealous in destroying the Georgian governments ability to do that again. Then again you could read Matthew 18:24-28

  7. I hope this doesn't turn into some WW3 sh:t.

  8. Whether or not it is propaganda, Ask Yourself why Russia takes any anger toward the West just for defensive measures.

    Why does Russia want to stop the rise of democracy in the region if

    they want to be a part of it?

    Russia made  threats  to Poland of nukes just for defense , and anyone wanting to be Free.

    Russia lied about who is running the country of Russia just until now

    it comes out that Puttin   is still running the country which says the fake democratic elections were made in Russia and Russia is still a dictator.

    Do you find it funny that Russia waited until United States military was stretched and China sides with Russia

    Is it strange that China has flooded our markets while our government watches

  9. Russia is in Georgia. They are trying to take over. They are killing people. That is no propaganda.

  10. Bush is diverting attention to the mess that he's leaving America.

  11. Ask the semites who run all the media, TV, papers and magazines, and movies.

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