
What's up with the hate towards the William sisters in tennis?

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Wow, what is up with the hate towards the sisters? They were both represnting the U.S. in tennis and even Americans hate them? I can see why Maria Sharapova is not playing for USA.




  1. I agree with MC, they are very very pretentious, and they don't make any effort to be likable like the other players.

    They are great players, no doubt, I mean just look at their achievements, they have a right to be proud, but we the fans are more likely to go for someone who flashes a smile once in a while. After all, nobody dislikes Ana Ivanovic, and she is always smiling!

  2. maybe bc they are too noisy and s****. with bad attitude

  3. The problem isn't so much with the sisters as with the PC culture that controls the media in the US.  The racial apologists sector of these people have gone overboard to convince the American public that,

    1)  They are the 2 greatest female tennis players in history, and,

    2)  They are the 2 best looking female tennis players in history.

    The truth, obvious to most, is that they are neither, and the backlash, in true American fashion, is directed at them and their father, rather than at the PC a******s that are responsible.  They're pretty d**n good players, championship caliber, and NOT on my "ugly" list, but we're accused of being racist if we don't buy into 1 & 2 above...

  4. The answer is real simple; RACISM, yes folks it still exists!!!

    The sister's knew this before getting to the top. That's why their father has the attitude he does and I don't blame him one bit.

    The crowd don't have problems with Blake, nor did anyone have problems with Arthur Ashe but lets face it, they didn't win as much as the sisters did. Its racism, plain and simple. And a bit of jealousy. They dare blacks come in and get rich of a white sport. lol

    People can come up in here and talk all that garbage about Serena being arrogant/attitude, etc but its just garbage. Serena does not say much about tennis unless she's asked. Venus even less. Serena does seem to have a slight attitude but it’s because of how people treat them. Can you blame her?

    How would you feel if you were black and had to deal with racism pretty much every where you played? How would you feel if the crowd clapped when you missed shots, etc., but clapped when the other player made shots? The treatment the sisters get is really unfair. They haven't done anything to anyone. I would be a mess if I had to deal with what they go through. Yes they're rich but at the end of the day, people want to be respected.

    I will say that Serena lost that match 2day (not to say that the other player did play well). She’s not playing as good as she should be. When will she learn that other players are hungry and want what she’s accomplished? She needs to bring her A game to every single match. Venus, I don’t know what her problem is, I don’t see her winning another major.

    Serena better look at some tapes of Roger Federer, he knows the men are after what he has and he steps it up, but then again, Roger is d**n there flawless. Lol..

  5. I think theyre kinda intimidating. So people dont like to watch them.

  6. I honestly don't believe it's hatred though, I'm sure in some aspects it is hatred and rascism but I think mostly because it's intimidation. When those girl first came around they were completely unstoppable and they beat up on everybody who got in there way. And when there healthy and at their best they could wipe the court with anybody.Then when they got into other things outside tennis and began losing that's when the criticism began. I honestly felt sorry for the girls after their losses because the media will not let it go. From the tennis channel literally replaying the mistakes Serena made, it was almost hurtful because all that just wasn't necessary. I hate to play the race card but it's a fact, these girls have dominated a predominately white sport and even if there not winning people are still talking about whatever they do, wear or say and part of it is because there black, some people might not want to hear it but it's the truth, nobody likes to talk about rascism but it's still around. Then some people like to say Serena and Venus are s****., well not Venus, Serena mostly, but people don't realize how hard Serena is on herself. She's so critical of everything she does and when she fails she feels upset and frustrated because she knows she can do better, she believes in her game, nothing wrong with having confidence. Allot of girls they play have to bring their "A" game against the sisters because they know what there capable of so they'll do everything to beat them because they've always been the ones to beat. It's not easy being them so if anybody does hate them for whatever reason they really have no idea what it's like to be them so they have no right to pass judgement on them. I'm a 100% fan and will be no matter what.

  7. I think the problem with the Williams sisters is that they are totally unlikeable. IMO Serena more than Venus. Serena is totally ungracious and comes off as entitled and s****.. Venus just seems like she's shy. She seems a bit more reserved but I don't think that's a fault. To tell you the truth I like Venus but I can't stand Serena. I always root for the other player when she's playing.

  8. They're obnoxious...and their dad is more obnoxious than the two of them put together

  9. i am happy, but only because i am an ivanovic fan and i really want ivanovic to do well. i they are eliminated...then ivanovic will have an easier road!!!!

    but i respect the williams sisters a lot and think they are amazin players

  10. maria is still a russian... even though she lives in USA...

  11. i think its because serena is really buff which scares people. and venus isn't that good. they might be racists

  12. MC is right, many other players, both women and men i don't like either, serena is very "unlikeable", however, when people talked about the williams, unfortunately it is so easily become a racial issue.

    i absolutely adore Arthur Ashe, because he is humble and sportsman like, i am sure many feel the same. what happen to the williams, they are responsible for their own images.

  13. That's Americans for you.

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