
What's up with the media blackout on Kucinich's articles of impeachment against George Bush?

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The substantive charges in the articles of impeachment eclipse by far the charges against Clinton in 1999 (which were tried in the last year of the former president's second term), and make Richard Nixon look like a choir boy.




  1. Because 99.9% of Americans rather watch American Idol and probably never heard of C-SPAN or visited

  2. After watching months and months of the Clinton impeachment which was very depressing; very pressing current international issues and with only 6 months left in Bush's term, there is not enough interest by the public.

  3. Another good reason to boycott the Mainstream Media because you will never get the real truth.

    The Soviet Union would be proud of the US media.

  4. If there is any doubt remaining over where the corporate media's true allegiances lie, this blatant omission by the "news" outlets should surely convince someone, somewhere, to put 2 and 2 together and think, "Hmmmm something very fishy is going on."

  5. I am not surprised.  There is a very strong liklihood the corporate media are too embedded with the Bush administration to let this story out.

    Lets just hope it makes headway inspite of Rupert Murdoch et al.

    I wonder if Nancy Peolosi is not fearful of anthrax being sent to people she knows.  We never did find out whom the purpetrators of these weapons grade anthrax attacks did we?

  6. Don't know.

      Thought things were going in that direction after Nancy Pelosi got elected.

  7. Bush. i hate the name, and the word now, even.

    it's a dirty family with a long history.

  8. Congress and big media don't get involved unless steroids have been injected into some aging, overpaid professional athlete.  When that happens, the coverage improves and Congress clears its calendar to make sure there are hearings scheduled.  This ensures two things==

    1) That we can watch gum chewing, over-sized, million dollar children lie into a microphone when one of the moronic, power-drunk, ineffectual turds that we call an 'elected official' asks him if he's ever taken 'performing enhancing substances', and sleep well at night knowing that baseball is being policed properly.

    2) That we'll remain so uninformed and so apathetic about our government that it will continue to forward the agenda that it has been implementing since 9/11/01 completely unchecked--namely, the "war on terror" and all of its manifestations, including $5/gal gasoline, a few more trillion in debt, lots of dead brown people and a middle east that is as unstable as possible.  

    The puppeteers are still at it...

    Kucinich, whatever his motives, has a lotta guts...I give him credit for being an American and, unlike so many others, actually acting like one.

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