
What's up with the volleyball cheers??

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It seems almost every other question on Yahoo! Answers is about volleyball CHEERS. Not about questions on playing, but cheers. I believe that people who do cheers are rubbing it in the other teams face, or making up for not being able to play well. An ace is ok for a cheer, but do u need to cheer after a block, dig, hit, kill, set, blah, blah, blah...What is the big deal? Do you ever see college or high school team cheering, cause i don't!!!




  1. i play on a high-school team, and we cheer like idiots, even for the other team sometimes.  whenever someone on our team gets stuffed, well be like nice block (teammate)!  if our team gets roofed well do that roofioooh! cheer.  but when our team pulls a great play well say like nice block and such.  cheering can really psych out another team, and when its a close game it can really make the difference.

  2. It helps keep a positive attitude. They help some teams that get really down on themselves.

  3. yeah i actually do kno a lot of high school teams that cheer and its not always to rub it in the other teams face. We do it because we're cheering for our team and supporting our teammates whenever they make a great play,and we're just havin fun geez, you don't need to make a big deal out of it

  4. when you cheer it not only boosts your excitement but it creates team unity. if you did a great kill and no one said anything and just went on like nothing happened, you'd feel like your not part of the team. also it brings the team together after a point no matter what. so you can encourage your team at that time. so to get into a routine of cheering for your teammates and letting them know that you're paying attention to them helps. it also is in a way to intimidate the other team. if a team does this orginal cheer and is excited then the other team doesn't feel quite as into it. so i think it is important. its another thing if your having a cheer off against the other team then thats pointless.

    so basically cheering is to boost team unity, spirit, and intimidate the other team

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