
What's up with these mixed signals?

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Ok i started noticing a few things from my sisters: I just started wearing make up and almost everyone tells me that I have nice skin and that I'm really beautiful, but my sisters tell me things like "why are you wearing make up?!" or "don't wear make up today" and they go around telling guys things like "you know she wears make up?"

Then, I bought this beautiful yellow dress and matching purse the other day. My sister has the same dress in pastel pink. All day everyone say i looked beautiful,and guys just starred googly eyed and I just got compliments all day...until my sister seen me...she yelled your "copying me and i almost got that purse in pink, and my dress looks better"

And whenever I buy something like theirs or similar they get attitudes! And I'm like its a store, if you didn't see me wearing this, then you would see some one else wearing it. I mean its not their style/clothes that they get specially made. Why do they do this?




  1. Well your sisters are jealous. Girls tend to want to make other girls ( no matter who ) look worse than they do so all of the guys can give them their attention. So maybe don`t buy the same clothes as them, just the same sort of styles.

  2. They're jealous because you're getting compliments, that maybe they never got while wearing the same thing.

    Girls are vicious when it comes to looking good.  I;m an only child so I've never had to deal with this.  But I;m pretty sure they're jealous, or insecure.

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