
What's up with this HPV Vaccine?

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So I've been hearing about this HPV vaccine. If a woman hasn't had s*x, should she still consider getting vaccinated?




  1. No, it's dumb. First of all, you have to be having s*x with a lot of people before HPV even becomes a legitimate concern. Second of all, HPV is so rare it's not even funny. How many people do you know that have/had HPV? My guess is none. I have never heard of anyone getting it before. It's just a way for the drug companies to get your money.

  2. I dont think its worth it because there are so many different stands of HPV and the vaccine doesnt protect against all of them. Just as a side note HPV is actually one of the most common STDs because you can have it and not have any symptoms.

  3. Okay,  First of all why is there a guy answering this?  It's a shot for women.  Second of all the shot is completely covered by insurance so you don't even have to pay for it.  Thirdly,  I mean why not get it?  It is true that it doesn't cover all strands of HPV but it does cover some that can cause cancer and genital warts and I'm not really seeing the downside in it.  It's a serious of three shots that you get over a six month period.  I'm not going to lie.  It's still a shot so if needles make you squeamish I can't help you there.  And I'm not going to feed you any bullshit.  I don't really have any other reason to persuade you other than I've been through chemo and it ruins your life for a period of time so If there is something out there to prevent even one single strand of cancer then I think it's one of the best things you could do for your self.  There is not really a downside to it. It's free and it helps save your life.

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