
What's up with this trend of 13 year old girls wanting to have babies. I see it on Maury Povich all the time.?

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What are they thinking? Then these 15 y/o moms who don't know who the daddy is. Haven't they EVER heard of condoms? I don't approve of kids having s*x but use a CONDOM.




  1. I think it is a mix of low self esteem, poverty (they think they will get walfare money & child suport), want to be loved.  And now hooking up isn't as big a deal as it was when I was in school (I'm only 35) but when I was in 8th grade a girl got preg & went to see her aunt for the summer & came back with a new little sister.  It was a HUGE deal then.  Kids don't stop to think that this person I am sleeping with could be the father of my child & will have do deal with him for the next 20+ years.  

  2. usually the parents are trash, so the kids become trash also.

    there are exceptions though, where friends turn the kids into trash.  gotta keep track of who your kids are hanging around.

  3. It's pretty bad isn't it?  But the parents probably aren't much better.  I think they started off right from the get go on the wrong foot with discipline or lack thereof.  Then the kid is 13 or so and the parents are sitting there scratching their heads saying where did I go wrong.  This didn't just happen overnight.  If I behaved like those kids when I was young my parents would have let me have it but good.  And I knew it, too.  

  4. It's all the pressure they have in school, my daughter is only 10 and she thinks she is fat, kids are unfortunately growing up too fast these days, and the Maury show I don't think is making matters any better, the kids see that show and think "well hey they got on tv I want to be on tv too" I don't think Maury is helping the matters any, he should be dishing out a lot of counseling and for the kids who think they need to have a baby need to be sent to work in day cares centers, then maybe they will see how much time and effort it takes to raise a child, it seems like he promotes the young girls to come on, just for ratings.

  5. sometimes kids at a young age see the positive sides od parenting and dont see the hard times and how diificult it is at their age.

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