
What's up with you "anti" Patriots fans?

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I've just noticed lately that everyone seems to be against the Patriots.Is it because you hate seeing them win or they are huge threats to your team? I just can't figure this one out!Please nice comments! I like them because I liked them before they were good.So do you or do you not like them that is the question.






  2. I'm a Dolphins fan, so of course I'm going to be against the Patriots.

  3. Is probably because no other team can go undefeated the whole regular season...Is pretty hard for other teams to even dream about it jajaja

  4. One of my relatives switched to become a patriots fan before last season so since then i cant stand them

  5. It is the fact that some Patriots fans have no life.  Like for instance, I was following one of the Raiders stories and this guy under the name Pats fan got on and was saying all kinds of things like Raiders suck over and over and over again.  If he wanted to chat on a site, he should be on a Pats site, not a Raiders site and that is why I loved seeing them lose the Super Bowl only I wish I could've seen him when they did.  I liked the Pats when they had Bledsoe, but I am not the biggest Brady fan out there.  I just know a lot of Pats fans are bandwagon fans.  Not saying you are, just a lot of people are.

  6. because they are probably the best team right now, and thats what always happens people always hate teams that start to get really good, yes i hate them but i respect them and understand that they are a good team unlike the idiots that say they suck or whatever. Also the whole spygate incident has added more hatred towards them. other reasons they are hated is because just like any other good teams frontrunners jump on the bandwagon and start calling them their team and start bragging about how good they are i hate them people stick with your team dont just change cause they aren't doing good and another team is.

  7. they are jealous hope for a 19-0 this season prob won't though

  8. Because random people like you who act like their long time fans, who just started watching football last week.

    I support my home team, if I wanted, I would act like  you do, but with NBA


  9. I personally am not anti-Patriots.  I'm neutral - I don't hate any teams nor do I have a favorite team.

    I think NE will have another great year with 13 or 14 wins in the regular season.

  10. they act like winning is something you deserve and somebody gives to you, not something you work for all year long.  SPYGATE ENDED LAST YEAR AND THE PATRIOTS WON 17 GAMES WITHOUT "CHEATING".  So you people need to stop acting like every thing the organization ever achieved was achieved by "cheating".

  11. I don't like the Pats b/c I'm a Browns fan.  Any player that does not play for the browns I hate, if you used to play for the browns and were traded I hate you, if you're any team other than the browns I hate you.  The pats do make it easy though... b/c my team hasn't won a title since '64... absolutely I'm jealous

  12. You just noticed this? It's been going on for quite some time.

    1. People hate cheaters

    2. People hate successful teams (especially when they cheat)

    3. Patriot fans on this board whine a lot (most, not all)

    4. Personally, I'm tired of the cocky fans who think I'm just jealous of their team. (like moron hater above) I have never, and will never like them. It's just the way I'm built. I don't go around bashing them for no reason.....just don't like them. I also don't like Miami, NY, Baltimore, Cleveland, etc.... I'm sure Patriots fans don't like my team (Broncos)

  13. Its all jealousy!!! Its not going to stop until the Pats start losing. Enjoy while you can!!!

    Go Pats!!!!

  14. 90% of the football population hates the Pats. Deal.

  15. Steeler fan here who likes the patriots. I respect their accomplishments. I think they are a great team.

  16. I hate the Patriots because they are my team (the Bills) rivals! not because they are good (which is arguable, but I'll save that argument for another time) or because they cheated! it's simply because they're the Bills rivals!

    I hate the Jets and the Dolphins (especially the Dolphins) for identical reasons!

  17. Because they Cheat and Cheaters don't deserve to win.

  18. If the Patriots weren't so arrogant and going around cheating on other teams, maybe all of these people wouldn't be hating on them so much.

  19. One way people are going to take the cheating out of the equation is when the Patriots finish with a less then stellar season with the defenses having instant communication through there helmets.  If the Patriots win less then 14 games then it shows there cheating was more important then just what a good call would give you at the right time in a tight situation.  If they win less then 10, then the cheating played a big part in there offense in which they should have to forfeit any close games they won last year.  Any money they made in the Playoffs and Superbowl should be paid back to the league as well.  If they win less then 8 games then they should just shoot themselves for being such losers that took advantage of a game that had no issues of cheating that affected the league to this magnitude.  

  20. It's not that we are "anti" Patriots. We are just sick of hearing about Tom Brady. I am a die-hard Michigan fan and even I am sick of hearing about him. There are other great quarterbacks in the NFL. Then after the video taping and cheating, that was enough for me.

  21. noo the people r just jealous tht the pats are good and they're teams arent  

  22. I live in Rhode Island, and most of the fans here are so-called Patriots fans, but when you ask them who the kicker before Vinatieri was, they give you the ''s right on the tip of my tongue' speach. I've been an Eagles fan for over 20 years and can name every coach, every qb, and if you give me some time almost every player they've had in that time. Growing up in Connecticut there was only ONE person I knew who liked the Pats; everyone else liked either the Giants, Cowboys, or Redskins. No Jets or Bills fans, and my best friend liked (and still likes) the Dolphins. NOW I go down there and people are trying to tell me they've been Patriot fans forever...yeah right. Most Pats fans are converted Giants fans, and have NO problem switching depending on the year and the situation. That's why I hate them.


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