
What's ur...............?

by  |  earlier

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what's ur favourite dream that u want it to come true ?????




  1. i want to be a doctor

  2. Actually i have 2 favorite dreams. The first one is to run my own computer company and animation studio. The second dream is to become a professional tennis player and represent egypt in tournaments and if it actually happens i could represent egypt in the olympics. I'm 14 so i guess its a little bit too late for the second dream to come true but who knows what could happen.

  3. to go to college in America (which is easy coz i already am here)

    and then go to egypt and get an awsome job in a hospital as a pharmacist coz u no hospitals need medicine.. then love some guy that loves me back and i would get married to him. my dream isn't impossible but i hope it would come true

  4. peace with my self and with others

  5. My dream would be to have my own restaurant to provide really good quality food for a good price not expensive.  My dream that won't come true is to be a chef not just any chef but a Michaeline qualified chef and be well known for my cooking.  

    Who knows what the future holds it may come true may not as long as the people around me are happy that is my main dream.  

  6. My dream is to work either an DBA (Database Administrator) or Web designer......and I'm working on it...

    I'm already designing educational websites now....

    and I have designed 2 websites for money...

    This is one of my best designs:

    it's an educational website I participated with it in an international competition..and I was going to Rome to evaluate it...but unfortunately the trip was in the middle of my my instructor went...

    And we got 3rd on world.....and this was the first time for Arabian country to win in this competition

    And I also took "Oracle: Introduction to SQL" certificate for free as a scholarship from ministry of education...and I'm studying the next level now...

    When this dream become next dream will be marrying a beautiful girl and buying a mini cooper.....

  7. My Favourite DREAM


    SO hard jus to say one...

    But ....

    May be that one is to be a reasearcher .... and a professeur  in Da University...

    Am now dealing with things to be done to do ma masters....


  8. To have a house with a garden and obedient servants and to own a mercedes.

  9. To become a doctor ..  

  10. the dream that i want to come true is when i was out of egypt and when i was kicking my school manger's butt

  11. i wanna own as many businesses as i can more then 20.

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