
What's usually the slowest day for a restaurant?

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  1. Mondays everyone goes back to work and are too tired to go out.

  2. Monday

  3. Tuesdays and Wednesdays is what I thought were the slowest when waiting tables.

    Monday- first day back to work people don't want to cook.

    Thursday- end of people's 4 day weeks

    Friday- end of most people's weeks

    Saturday-weekend get togethers

    Sunday-after church both in the morning and night.

    I do live in the south where going out to eat after church is a big thing. It can be just as busy as a Friday night.

  4. mondays

  5. Wednesday and Thursday

  6. Depending on where you are located, for most places Sunday nights, Monday, and Tuesday afternoons are slowest. This is the general rule I've noticed in places I've worked, unless the restaurant runs special promotions on those days.

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