
What's with Shawn Johnson's march?

by Guest32481  |  earlier

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I notice she is doing something funny with his walk, esp. his arms when they march for a round, Nastia's also but not as obvious as Shawn but other gymnasts from other countries just walk normally. Is this some form of gymnastic walk?




  1. I thougth they were all walking like that.

  2. That is the way the gimnast walk before, and after their events.

  3. Shawns a girl! lol She is so good but anyway...

    Idk i guess its just her own thing?

  4. It must be because the girl right behind Shawn had the same walk, though not as forceful as hers.

  5. yes, she is just trying to look her best. which isn't very hard for her. man she is HOT!

  6. Shawn's was more noticable today but normally a lot of the girls walk that way when coming onto and leaving the apparatus in a line.  Just something about the way they are trained.

  7. Gymnasts are supposed to walk like that at competitions. They are supposed to be poised with straight posture etc.

  8. Shes notta a guy.

  9. Shawn's a girl. lol..

  10. IDK but it bugs me.

  11. I noticed that same thing.

  12. yea, i've noticed that too. its really weird. i'd hav to say its not some form of gymnastics walk, unless its more of a USA team thing.  

  13. first of all shawn is not a guy, shes a very pretty girl. and i think her walk is so cute, she walks like that becauses shes soooo short. i mean 4.9 she could techincally still fit in a booster seat. not saying being short is a bad thing thou.

  14. Its a classic march walk that gymnasts do or used to do when they went from podium to podium.  

  15. She's gotta hustle with those little legs! Either way, that girl is great and she can walk, march, run, or dance anyway she wants. Personally I think it's sad that with all of her talent people like you are picking her apart instead of praising her for her amazing talent and contributions.

  16. i just thought that was the walk they do, But i did notice it. Thought maybe she was the only one doing it and the others were just taking it easy  

  17. Gymnasts should walk like that, but you are right. She exaggerates it a lot

    (Notice I said SHE)

  18. she is really short and they have to stay in line so she has to take extra long steps

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