
What's with all the tornadoes and harsh weather this year?

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I live in the chicago area and I've never seen a tornadoe until this year. It seems like theres a tornadoe every week. What's up with that? Is it because of global warming?




  1. Think of weather as a balancing act.   One year or for a few years we have one extreme or another but most of the time conditions will be near normal.    This is part of global weather patterns that have been going on forever and will go on into the future.

    Climate change is thus a very broad term.    It has political overtones to it,    but really can be part of the overall cycle of heat exchange.   Please don't read too much into that.

    I forecast for an area near Kankakee and convective activity hasn't changed much at all over the past few years.  Hopefully as we transition into more summer like weather patterns, that the incidence of tornadoes and such,  diminsh too.

  2. they r NATURAL disasters... they happen naturally... certain climate make them happen more...

    ex. tornado in kansas

    ex. tsunami inn japan

  3. One cannot really establish a connection between the extreme weather events of recent and global warming.  These extreme events have occurred before (even during periods of global cooling), and will occur again.  They tend to be cyclical in nature as are many other events that occur in the Earth's climate system.  In the case of this Spring, the low pressure systems were still coming off the Pacific and across the country at an unusual strength.  Unusual, but again, not unprecedented.

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