
What's with all these people hating the police?

by Guest33764  |  earlier

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i mean if you break the law, you're going to get punished

thats how it works! get over it!

stop yelling "pigs" at them, those people need to grow up!

example: i was waiting in line at a "Circle Jerks" show in Hollywood and a cop parked at a store across the street

and these kids were like "Pigs!"




  1. Basically its because some cops give all cops a bad name.... The young ones believe they have all the power!!! Most likely their uneducated jerks who feel like mocho men!!!!

    To bad they have no actual life goals or ambition to be anything more!

  2. People sometimes tend to forget that some coppers harass our "younger" generation more than what the coppers portray.

    Plus you got all the bad,corrupt coppers that give the good police officers a bad name just by association.

    Sometimes those kids have parents that hate coppers and they teach that hate to their kids.

    The reason why people hate coppers will never be fully understood.

  3. What's with all the cops who treat a citizen who has "done nothing" like s*** ?

    What's with all the cops who are rapists, child molesters, thieves, murderers, thousands of them, but you won't see it on the censored 6:00 news

    I would not generalize but there is "so many" of them, and the ones who cover for them are an accomplice...and also guilty of a their "own definition".

    And besides they way generalize about people on the streets, what's wrong with returning the favor?

    And then statistically, a heck of a lot have not been caught yet!

  4. I think that it is just the way that it's going to be.  Kids some times hear what their parents say and they will copy it, others just have an attitude and like being nasty towards them.   Yet others will have respect and not say things such as this.  Kind of the way society will be.  Some this way, some that and still some the other.

    All of us know that we need laws to protect us, to help keep an orderly society.  But when people get pulled over by the police they are not going to always be happy about it, about getting a ticket.  So the natural reaction is going to be a negative one for the most part.  Others of us if we get pulled over just except that we were in the wrong,  and we take our lumps and get over them and learn from the experience.

    Also there are people who feel that they have been treated badly by some police so that is going to make them feel angry towards the police.  There fore they are going to say nasty things to all of them, they have a chip on their shoulder towards the police.  Maybe some of them are justified about how they feel, and maybe some of them are not.

    People have a right to feel how they feel.  If they don't like the police there isn't much that you can do about it.  Its sad when people say nasty things about or towards them.  Its pretty much how thing are in this world, and there isn't much that can be done about it.

    People will be people, you can not please every one in society.  That's just how it is.  

    I learned a long time ago that not every one is always going to like every one, that's just a part of life.  So all that any one can do is not to be offended by it, just move on and let it roll off.    

    Just my point of view, the way that I see that it is.

  5. People don't realize just how much the police do for them.  They see things in the news about bad cops and assume they are all bad, even if they have never had a negative experience with them.

    Plus the people who break the law see them as an enemy.

    As far as the kids at the Circle Jerk show:  They're punks.  They are completely anti-authority, no for any real reason other than to try and look cool.  I used to be a hardcore punk until I saw how retarded the scene was.  Nothing says I'm a "non-conformist" like dressing and acting like every other "non-conformist".

  6. Police and Military   two very thankless jobs sadly

  7. What you saw was not really kids disrespecting cops, what they were doing was trying to show how cool they were by standing up to a symbol of authority.  In truth, if they were by themselves, they probably would have never said that and used "yes sir or mam" when one on one with the officer.

  8. Not all people hate cops they just don't like the bad cops out there and I think that most of the good cops out there don't like the bad cops to.

  9. There are two sides to a law.  Written law and what is known as the spirit of the law.  Good cops are known to uphold the law and lax it when they feel it is right to do so.  Bad cops are usually corrupt and use the law to their own designs.  Unfortunately due to bad cops, all cops are stereotyped as corrupt.  It also does not help that most cops think you are guilty first, not the other way around.

  10. You said the key word "kids". Kids do stupid stuff. Some cops are just as crooked as criminals though.

  11. The police quite possibly have the most thankless profession in the world. They keep us safe daily and we often complain about them doing their job or attack them for a few bad apples not doing their job.

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