
What's with my parents?

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So i'm a 15 year old guy, sophomore in high school. I got 3 sisters and a brother. My passion is musical theatre, but my parents won't let me do shows. They say that it cost too much and they don't like driving me there. It cost about $500 to do a show, but is that too much to you? the studio is like a 15 minute drive down a highway, but my mom hates driving me that way. My dad says i have to concentrate in school, but im a straight A student and i can handle it! and it's not even like i can drive myself; my dad won't let me get my permit when i turn 15 1/2 because i'm "too young." i'd try to get a ride with friends, but there aren't many of them who have this same interest with me!

What is wrong with my parents? Why don't they understand that i like theatre? Why do they think i'm too young?




  1. If you live in the US it's really absolutely fair of them to say no. IF they own a house, even more so.

    $500 is a lot, plus the price of gas.

    He said he'd get you a permit at 15 1/2, if your 15 that's only 6 months to go.

    Maybe try getting ready and saving up money if you get money, show him you can be responsible.

  2. $500 is a lot of money these days.  Don't you watch the news?  People are losing their homes and food and gas cost more than ever.

  3. you could offer to pay for half of it or all of it (though that is still a lot of money). If it is that important to you (b/c 500$ is too much to spend to try it for a week and decide you don't like it). You'll make friends who like drama if you keep it up, I did. If worse comes to worse and it doesn't work out, find some people to go to the park with you and have your own theatre troup. (Some people might even sit down to watch you. And colleges will like that you had the ambition to do it.)  

  4. 500 bucks is a lot of money

    I might just be mean, but I would have my kids find something that interest them that's a bit cheaper. Kids go through so many different phases that spending that much money on something could seem like a waste.

    Sorry your parents wont let you. Is there something at school you could get into like that? Look around a little more for something cheaper.

    Good luck  

  5. If this is your passion, your parents should support it to the best of their ability.  That doesn't mean they should be obligated to pay for it or drive you there if those things would cause a hardship.  But they should make some effort to help.  

    I don't know why they are responding this way. Maybe they truly don't have the time and money. Gas prices are pretty high these days. Some parents just don't like to invest in anything for their kids that they themselves aren't interested in. Some people associate acting and actors with eccentric behaviors, low moral standards, drinking, partying, and the like.  Those are false stereotypes - but your parents may be worried about you getting involved with people who could be a bad influence.  

    You need to find out exactly what their objections are before you can respond to them.  If you have a source of income, offer to pay all or part of the fee yourself.  Maybe you could find someone who would drive you to the first few meetings or rehearsals; when you meet the others in the play, you might find that someone else lives near you and could share rides.  

    It may be that there is nothing you can do to change their minds.  If that happens, check out opportunities closer to home.  Does your school have a drama program?  Is there a community theater?  How about a small choral group that sings some broadway or contemporary  music? A dance program where you can learn broadway style dancing? It may not be exactly what you want, but it's a start.  If you can show your parents that you can succeed in these kinds of productions, maybe they will consider letting you move up to the more expensive program that you really want.

  6. $500 is a lot of money. If you want to prove to them how much you care about it, try raising the money for shows yourself.

    Also, parents are concerned about their child's future. Not many people make it in the theatre industry to the point where they can actually make a living out of it. They probably don't see it as a good career choice and are trying to steer you away from it.

  7. Why not just get involved with the theatre dept. at your school? $500 is ALOT of money especially for such a large family. Put your grades and love for theatre to good use and get a full scholarship to a fabulous college! If you must do these expensive shows, try to find a sponsor. Can you take a city bus to the theatre?  

  8. $500 is a lot per show.  All I can tell you is that doing a show takes a really lot of commitment and time, and your parents aren't willing to commit.  Perhaps they are not comfortable with you doing shows?  Since you are 15 you should just do the shows at your school, and take drama in college.  You can't really make them take you.

  9. Even if it's a phase, I would probably let you do it.  I guess it depends on your parents financial situation.  You have to take that into consideration.  Still, I think it's good to let kids make and follow their own paths as long as it's not a negative thing they're doing.  Then again I never got to do anything as a kid so I probably let my kids go through way too many phases and put way to much money into the things they enjoy.

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