
What's with people asking such question "Prove to me that God doesn't exist or isn't real."?

by Guest59499  |  earlier

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I haven't seen any atheist trying to tell others or preaching about the "non-existence" of God. We only answer with "there is no God" when asked about our beliefs or when people try to shove their beliefs over our heads.

When religion people come and start making extraordinary claims of divine powers, then we must ask them "how do they know so?". Feeling? huh...I have a feeling I'm always right, does it mean I'm always right?




  1. No one can can prove there is no god.  But no one can prove there isn't.  I am of no religion but I do believe there is a creator cause I believe the world is too complex to have come about by chance.

    There are plenty of radical religious people out there who try and shove there beliefs in your face but there are just as many atheists who do the same.

    We should respect each others believes and give people who ask us information about why we believe what we do without pressing them one way or the other.

  2. Oh please

    Atheists on this message board are always claiming superiority because they dont believe in God and making such statements like Christians are delusional or mentally unstable.

    If I dont care if you believe or not then I dont have to prove anything to you and if you want respect as an atheist then you better give the same respect to the religious.

    You make it sound like all the atheists are just innocent people seeking real answers, lol.

    There are plenty of Christians and atheists on this message board that are here simply to mock, bash and belittle.

    Why do atheists bother to ask for proof of God if they already know theists cant prove it to them????  Hmmm could it be as a way to try to mock and belittle and act superior?


    Just because I cant prove something to you doesnt mean it hasnt been proven to me.

    If I was the only one that witnessed a crime and the person who committed the crime manipulated all the evidence to make it seem like someone else did it in a way that there was no question in everyone elses mind that the other person did it, would that make me delusional if I insisted the crime was committed by the person I saw commit the crime?

    Just because I cant prove something to you doesnt mean it isnt true or possible.

    If I were ever to go back in time I could never prove the ability to speak to people from thousands of miles away, either, because I dont know how to create that kind of technology.  Would I be delusional if I insisted it was possible?????

    Its kind of sad if you cant think of any reason to respect religious people just because you dont agree with their beliefs.  If religious people treated you with the same contempt simply because you were an atheist you would be screaming bigotry and decrying their attitude.

  3. thats ridiculous...If they dont want to live again, they dont have to. Some of us are born again which they wont be able to understand unless it happens to them..

  4. I can prove to you that God is real because you have a heart that keeps  you alive and pumps blood throughout your body, did you create this heart in a machine shop to make you come alive or your

    parents they came up with this invention but hey! you are a fool.

  5. oh, please atheists do- science, big bang, logic n reasoning. they even claim to be highly intelligent ......

  6. Virtually *all* theist arguments are fallacies. This is the fallacy of "shifting the burden of proof". "Argument from incredulity", "asserting the consequent" (creationism), and "one true Scotsman" are other common ones.

  7. no one knows the truth, literally

  8. Can't that question be retired to the question hall of fame?  Kind of like they retire jerseys on sports teams?


  10. It goes both ways.

  11. Too much religion will **** up a person's mind

    cadisney, Christians ARE delusional.  You all claim certain things, yet have no evidence to back it up.  Your beliefs deserve zero respect until you can PROVE to use they are not just fairytales.

    Edit again: Cadisney I will put this as midly as I can because you are nice unlike the majority of your Christian peers.  I know why you believe what you believe.  I have been there, I was a Christian myself and believed in most of that to.  There are scientific explanations that explain why people believe what they do.  If someone claims they were abducted by aliens that doesnt have to mean that they were.  

    your back in time analogy is not very strong at all, anyone who was highly knowledgable in communications could explain how telephones work, and could explain the materials needed to assemble something like that.

    And please dont confuse respecting a belief with respecting a person. I said I dont respect religious beliefs, that does not mean I dont respect any religious person.  Some beliefs dont deserve respect.

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