
What's with the American accent?

by  |  earlier

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I have been listening to Leicester Sound all day, and I noticed that they use an American accent for the voices of people who are drunk and car salesmen.

How come?




  1. Americans have accents?  I'm an American and I never knew that.  I thought it was the rest of you folks that had accents.

  2. well  the guy who sold me my new car sure wasn't drunk and a sleazebag.

    thats really pathetic that the world thinks were a buncha drunk slobs, 99.9% of my country's people are good honest hardworking folks...dont judge us if you never been here and seen it all.

  3. Because most of the world looks on Americans a degenerate scumbags.  What is more disgusting than a drunk and a sleazy used car salesman?

  4. Hey! I resant..recen, wait, I resemble, hang-on, (gulp), I resent that remark - watever you said. Waitaminute, some sucker just walked on the lot and he's lookin at that Humber we've had since '05 - beright back

    -a guy named duh

  5. havent you ever heard yourself when your talkin to someone from where ever your from we all have an accent

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