
What's with the mudslinging today??

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What's with the mudslinging today??




  1. Mud?

    No, sorbet!  I just finished what I think is my favorite combo!  Haagen Dazs Raspberry & Peach!

    Yum.  Pretty colors, too!

  2. Other than Sofisticated Liberal and Graphite I think there's been some interesting interaction today.

  3. You must not have been here yesterday and the day before. I needed a dozen showers. Nothing like sand in the crack. >:-)

  4. I don't see any mud yet but it's been raining today. So give it time .

  5. Sorry, wasn't aiming at you just two little teens that are around here somewhere trying to be all sophisticated and ever that would be. lol.

  6. l you forgot me :( lol

    I agree with gersh and cam. those two are probably the same troll, and graphite answered his own question so i know he is. and i was so happy i just wanted some peace today.

  7. Mudslinging?

    My desk and computer screen are looking okay, Lillie.

    A few crumbs from my luncheon Triscuits, but, no mud.


    I just managed to let an unsophisticated little girl and a hard-headed boy get to me today.  Trying to get back to even now.  :-)

  8. *shrugs shoulders*

    "what's with today, today?" -Lucas, Empire Records

    The mud froze before it got to me, Alberta winters are that cold.

  9. Just snowing here - well, I think it changed to sleet now.  : )

  10. I don't know, it's pretty clean where I'm sitting.

    Laurie?  Gersh?  Sunny?  You guys got any chunky stuff on your computer screen?

    Sorry, you too Kaluah! ;) (and everyone else..don't want to be an exclusive club or anything...)

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