
What's with the new fad of being bi or even g*y to get attention?

by  |  earlier

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i don't understand it at all.

i know many girls who have claimed to be g*y and then just a few weeks later, they're dating guys. then they break up with the guys and claim to be g*y again...this trend just keeps going on.

also, even my best friend claims to be bi. but she never said anything even hinting to the fact that she might be bi until i said i was g*y. and i even hinted little things like saying "wow that girls hot" ect.

and here is how she came out to me, "i can't seem to get a boyfriend so i'm going to be bi. maybe i'll get a girlfriend and maybe it will get some guys attention." whaa?!?! haha.

i don't get it! this is happening all the time. at least around where i live.

comments on this would be nice.




  1. well I've noticed that when I told girls I'm bi or my friends told girls they were bi the girls reacted with a series of "aww's" and generally other positive reactions. It's like that movie eating out where a guy pretends hes g*y to get a girl to like him

  2. yeah thats funny cos i was listening to the radio about this guy who has a open relationship with his bi g/f and he said the thing surprised him the most was the amount of women who said they were bi but when it came to put these words into action they changed their minds saying they weren't

    i am guessing because you are starting to see more girls kissing in the mainstream media that some women think if they say they are bi they get more guys attention (same thing when they dirty dance with their g/f)

  3. uhh i hate this

    these girls were trying to get me to be bi its was ridiculous

    everyone became "bi" here ever since this s**t moved to our school

  4. Well, don't see any harm with it.

    And if they actually go through with it, then they weren't really lying.

    Hey, at least they are cool enough with it to pretend to be g*y or bi.  

    You know....Instead of beating you with sticks like they used to do back in the day.

  5. Wow, after 37 years of ridicule, I'M IN WITH THE COOL KIDS!!!  YEAH!!!

    g*y & PROUD

    g*y PRIDE!!  :@)

  6. I know exactly what you mean. In UAE I had maid and she claimed to be bisexual just for attention. I was annoyed so much with her

  7. ewww you're g*y? you going to burn in h**l!!!!

  8. alot of us  have experimented and we are open

    not every one is full of broccoli

  9. I think it's pathetic. If you are g*y, whatever, but chicks like that hate themselves and need attention but that is hurtful to real lesbians and guys that lose respect for the rest of us that behave ourselves.  

  10. It's shock value for some, a reality for others.  

  11. Hah I saw that a lot when I was in high school. Annoying as **** isn't it? I think it's due to the fact that in the 'olden' days (aka, the 90s hahaha...) people were getting attention for coming out. What everyone seemed to ignore ishow truly difficult that is. Plus you know the whole GGW junk. At parties, girls get drunk, make out, then act like it was such an OMG I WAS SO DRUNK! mistake.

    Its annoying, and a trend that needs to end.

  12. its not a new fad. its been going on forever.  

  13. it does seem to be the trendy thing these days. Thank god i was g*y years ago when it was original lol.

    Seriously, maybe your friends are just young and enjoying themselves but labelling themselves to soon.

  14. its stupid!!! you should be true to yourself and your sexuality whatever it may be. Being bi or L*****n or g*y isnt a fad trend its a way of life for some people and shouldnt be made a mockery of which is what these people are doing.

    I a girl and i have often wondered what it is like to be with another girl but i have a boyfriend and I am very much straight!

    people need to learn there is a difference

  15. I hate that its a 'fad' cause I'm not L*****n just cause I go with trends. I really hate it.... it sux!

  16. It's a way of distracting from their insecurities.  The more potential mates they surround themselves with, the more secure they can feel. The more attention they can get, the more distracted they'll be from their insecurities.

  17. because a lot of people are desperate and willing to settle for what they can get. I think it's greedy to want something you are not supposed to want. but, I do not have any g*y issues personally. A friend of mine said her first sexual experience was with a female. And she is a strait female to this day. she had an oppertunity at a very young age and slept with her best friend. they used her mothers d***o and got eachother off. I think that's very L*****n and would assume that she liked it. Well, she did but, now she is all about men!!! She only wants the man she is married to. So, in a way it's very much a prefrence to what you like and want. I think a lot of girls are confused about sexuality at a young age because they have a lot of sexual oppertunities presented to them and have too many choices. I have always thought females to be dirty and messy! that's a big reason I never looked at women as sexual partners and have always been strait. I also look at a man as the yin to my yang it's just logical to believe that that is biologically who I am supposed to be with. I don't think a woman could turn me on like a man. That's just my opinion I know but, for all the g*y community reading this......I don't think I am wrong. If you are bisexual, I think you are confused and greedy. if you can prove me wrong then do it.

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