
What's with the women football commentator on ESPN like or dislike ?

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I can't stand that Women ,She no good and her voice sucks .

ESPN doesn't have a man that can do the job!!




  1. lmfao, that is a man, he just sound like a women

  2. She sounds like the transgender lady that reported on the Olympics. I don;t like her voice. Let's try another woman.

  3. I am a woman and I think ESPN should stick to men who know the game. Some of the comments I heard today showed a lack of expertise about the game of football and knowledge of the teams playing. I also cringed at the sound of her voice.

  4. LOL ,I think thats a man your talking about but he sounds like a women !!


  5. She was there last year. I'm not a fan of females breaking down or commentating all male sports. Sideline reporters are ok, and females calling female basketball or softball is ok. Sorry if that sounds sexist, I just don't like it.

  6. Yeah her voice is so high pitched can be very irritating but I guess the reason there are women football commentators are because there are thousands of women fans, that spend their money on football items tickets and spend good money at the games. These networks can not afford to be sued have a bunch of slander going on against them and being called male chauvinist pigs. Its not worth all that these networks are in the business of making money and don't give a dam about what a few back in day guys think. There are women that are very knowledgeable about football just like there are men that don't know anything but TOUCHDOWN. You know all the jobs men use to do women now do them and do them sometimes better why can't they like a sport of a bunch of men caring a pig skin trying to get from one end of the field to the other end. Women are standing side by side with our guys getting killed losing limbs and leaving their love ones and they can't like football or be commentators. But they can fight to protect their country. The army does not have a problem taking these women why should the guys here ? that have never set foot in a war zone, feel women should not like football or be commentators. Men are cooks nurses there are no more this is a man's job this is a woman's job we each do it all. Which makes me proud of both c'mon guys lets give the women a break !!!!  

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