
What's with this Sean Hannity guy?

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My girl thinks he's cute, but my brother who is 12 says Hannity is a liar. I'm just trying to keep peace here...




  1. Hannity isn't a liar, but he's very opinionated and a hardcore Republican.  I have, however, seen him call out Republicans and he has on occassion taken George W. Bush to task.  However, I certainly don't think that he's a liar.

  2. Your brother is right. I don't trust Sean Hannity, he tries to decieve the American people, he interupts people whenever he ask them questions, his questions are not to the point, he does not talk about anything else but Obama and his pastor whenever you listen to him, he believes that the war in Iraq is a good thing, he wants to destroy the Democratic party, his ideas are false, he beleives that the Republican party is the best, he is a liar, he beleives in president Bush policies, and he is not a good person.

  3. Hannity is one of the good guys

  4. Hannity is probably one of the most fair and balanced journalists I have ever seen.  I really like him.

  5. Your brother is wrong.

  6. Hannity is all right with me!


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