
What's with those people who won't drink beer because of the taste?

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Who really drinks it for the taste anyway?




  1. I agree!

  2. I love the taste of beer, the buzz is just bonus to me.

    My personal opinion is that people that "don't like the taste of beer" have an extremely limited experience with it.  The flavor spectrum of beer is huge and I really can't think of a taste preference that isn't covered by some beer or another.  Personally I'm not going to twist somebody's arm if they say they aren't in to beer though, I usually just hold off until they get curious.

  3. I absolutely hate the taste of beer.

    It taste like flat p**s and ginger ale, if that could be a combo.

    But on the other hand I love the taste of straight vodka, with no chaser.

    I'm slightly odd.

  4. If your going to get drunk. Then why should you have to work at it when there are stronger things other than beer.

    If you drink beer really fast it might never hit your taste buds in the first place. LOL

    Look out teeth. Watch out gums. Look out stomach,here it comes. =p

  5. i dnt like drinking beer... i think girls must not drink alcohol at all bcoz it can damage there reproductive system... taste doesnt matters to me but health matters allot...

  6. I don't like the taste of beer on taps in pubs and a pint is too much for me to drink without getting bloated, and only takes 4 or 5 pints to get me drunk so i prefer bottled beers and i love spirits, i can drink jack daniels or jagermeister all night!

  7. A lot of people, some are as into beer as much as others are into wine. I like the way beer tastes, but a lot of people don't.

  8. beer is for  s***s. actually it tastes like c**p and even if i am poopfaced i can't drink it. it instantly makes me gag.

  9. People who dont drink beer dont like the taste cause they tried it once when they were 16 and didnt like it. you have to aquire a taste for beer, and its a good idea cause beer has way more potential for a fun night ie. drinking games, funneling, not needing a mixer or a chaser etc.

  10. i drink beer for the taste,only out in the country( i get hammered),when i'm home in the city i drink night-stock premium whiskey,made by captain morgan, or bacardi clear

  11. why would u drink something that u dont like? instead of beer, drink vodka or rum or sumthing

  12. Haha yeah I know! And I'm sorry but they all taste the same to me :S

  13. well some alcohol like absinthe tastes good. absinthe tastes like lemonade!

  14. Some people. Not me I do not like beer.

  15. I do, many other people do as well.

    If you aren't drinking for taste your drinking sh#tty beer. My best guess would be something from Bud, Miller or Coors.

    Real beer...craft beer...handmade beer is full of complex and wonderful flavors. For example last night I had a World Wide Stout from Dogfish Head... it has flavors of dark chocolate, dried cherries and sweet molasses. I love that one.

  16. I can't think of any reason to drink beer EXCEPT for the taste.

  17. I don't drink at all, but I know someone who does drink bber for its taste alone. My *former* alcoholic brother in law, who's switched to O'Douls "non" alcoholic beer. He's so addicted to the taste and the idea of beer, he guzzles a 12 pack at a time.

  18. Well- when you have other options, like vodka- or Long Island tea, or a great rum runner, or a Pino Grigio, why drink something that you don't like the taste of?

    I do know lots of people that really love beer and enjoy the flavor. Personally, I hate the stuff, so I drink something else...

  19. I usually drink beer to get drunk.i dont particuarly enjoy the taste.except when im in a beer garden on a real hot day and i pop in for a pint.

  20. im only 14 i mistaken beer for pepsi and it tastes like diahreah

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