
What's worse..? You go to a social gathering, had a great meal, smiled and talked to countless people, and..

by  |  earlier

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when you finally went to the toilet, you realised,

1) Your fly was opened the whole time and your underwear was not the same colour as your pants/skirt...

2) There's a huge piece of veggie/meat sticking in your front teeth...




  1. Neither is really worse than the other.

    As long as no one said anything to you about these gaffes, no one actually noticed them.

    By the way, when you talked to people they look into your eyes, not your fly.

  2. #1 is worse, but if anyone saw they wouldnt say anything, maby they would with teeth

  3. No.3 is the worst worst:  You found you are not wearing any underwear...

  4. do you think i did it on purpose??hehe...if you guys want to see then see lor :P

  5. The second is worse because I would feel like maybe nobody looked down at my crotch but they probably saw stuff in my teeth if I talked or smiled OR if I wasn't talking to anyone or anything yet then of course the first one. But you said I talked to countless the second  Skirt/dress in underwear is the worse if that's what you mean for girls then that's bad. So embarrassing

  6. can't imagine ! argh!!!@#$@#%$#

  7. a huge piece of veggie/meat sticking in your front teeth

  8. Hahaha...give Bean the best answer!

  9. hahaha..i had experience both of the situation..hehe..

    luckily, I'm the type of " harm done.everyone had their own embarrassing moments.."

    so,tak malu sangat lah..

  10. I think the worst case scenario would be a huge piece of meat sticking out of one's unzipped

  11. Number two because if they see my pants are open, they thought maybe Juicy Banana did a BJ for me and I forgot to zip..

  12. #1..

    malu geyyla..

    God forbid..

  13. then go out from  toilet ..walk proudly as in nothing happened.. n make joke to ur fren like.." hey u know something funny hapen juz now? my fly was opened n theres meat sticcking out of my teeth..." n laugh ..

  14. The first one would be the worst. Some crazy person may decide to sue for indecent exposure. But no one can sure over a piece of food stuck in between your teeth

  15. actually i was thinking as Bean up to "huge piece of "


    that could be the worst

  16. no 1) can im sure nobody notice..?

  17. LOL...i would say both!! both are d**n wicked!..i just couldnt imagine having a good laugh with friends and at the same time having a piece of meat or chilli that stuck on my front teeth!!!..ewwww...gila malu! andt the worst part is people are laughing along with you..without you realize that they are actually laughing on you!!!!!

  18. no 1.


  19. IT IS ALL RIGHT....

    The worst is that those people who smile and talks to you are 'narrow minded' people. They knew either your flyers are open and did not bother to tell you or they saw the small piece of thing sticking on your front teeth but refuse to tell you. These people are more terrifying that finding it out yourself.


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