
What's worse for kidz on the T.v...nekked people...or guns,blood and death?

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Granny Crabtree: Does the steady diet of violent Xbox and murder/gang/death themes make us indifferent to life, or worse,

more ready to accept, and even condone, death?




  1. Lotsa fur...GOOD!

    Guns & Violence...BAD!

  2. In Massachusetts you cant buy a sixpack of beer before 2 PM on Sunday but you can get a gun anytime of day legally.

  3. Yes, yes, and yes.  Your mind is the mother of computers.  Children who are obsessed with these types of "entertainment" are playing with fire.  Do they participate in family board games?  No?  Then you have a real problem.  Cowboy and Indian days are long gone along with hide and seek, red light, mother may I and giant step.   Wonder whose to blame???  Serenity not the children.  Another sign of the times.

  4. Links have been drawn between seeing violence in television and movies and aggressive and antisocial behavior.

    The same links have not been drawn between sexual images (even explicit s*x) and aggressive or antisocial behavior.

  5. The constant availability of TV violence is much more harmful to children AND adults than an occasional flash of a breast (ahem, Janet Jackson).  However, I don't want to start seeing pornography being readily available on network TV, either.  

    As Granny queried, the learned response to relentless, graphic violence (even if it is fake) is indifference.  Kids see victims in video games come back to life when they restart the game, and actors who meet their gruesome demise in film and TV come back in another show or movie.  It might make it more difficult to make the connection that violent death is horrifyingly final.

    As far as the nekkidness goes, it's a pretty well known fact that people who regularly view pornographic images also become less aware that the "parts" belong to real, live human beings, and they are eventually not satisfied with just watching.  There was a study done (don't know all the details) that a high percentage of serial killers were also addicted to pornography.

    The scariest thing is when the two ideas cross, and women in the s*x industry are murdered for entertainment purposes, or merely because they don't "deserve to live".  

    Stepping down from my soapbox now...

  6. Violence, as they feel that violence can resolve any problem.

    What's a pair of naked b***s?

  7. Remember that Sesame Street showed that ladeee breast-feedin her young'un!  Didn't do them any harm.

    Kidz see nekked people, guns, blood and death even on most of them cartoonies they watch.

    Us older folk saw all but the nekkedness on Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, and all the other car-toons and shows we watched back then.  We didn't go out killin folk over them though.

    What I wouldn't like is the tots seein shows like Maury, Jerry, and them there other fightin, chair-throwin and pullin clothes off shows.

    Well, Granny...kidz should be knowing the difference between reel stuff and game stuff...just like the difference between TV and reel stuff.  Maybeee their parents should watch out fer wat their watchin??

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