
What's worse for the republican convention, bush showing up, or Hurricane Gustav arriving there?

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It sucks to be a neocon, doesn't it?




  1. Don't worry...they are already sandbagging the sea walls in Minneapolis/St Paul.

  2. Ha! This is one of those trick questions isn't it?! Kind of like which is heavier, 1 ton of lead or 1 ton of feathers?

    Too funny... thanks for the laugh!

  3. I think Hurricane Gustav striking the convention would be a much bigger problem.

    I don't think Minnesota is used to dealing with hurricanes.

  4. I think even the Republicans would agree that Bush should stay home; he isn't exactly an asset.

  5. you must not have listened to the news today. president bush stated today that he probabaly wont be able to speak monday night as he was going to make gustav a priority if it appears its building and posting a real threat to the coast. i hate to break this to you but hurricanes dont come to minnesota.  

  6. Why can the Left not stick to their own corrupt (Wright, Rezco, Ayers) candidate and leave the Republicans alone?  

    Is it because the Left has the WORST do-nothing (where is ANY meaningful legislation from him?) candidate since Jimmy Carter?

    Or is it because he is whipped by such an ugly dame?

    Is it true that NOBAMA is running against President (two-term) George W. Bush, Governor of Texas, and holder of an MBA from Harvard's School of Business (and who got better grades than either Al Gore or John Kerry) and whose own father was also a President of the United States of America,  Ambassador to China, Director of the CIA, chairman of the RNC, and US Congressman; and whose brother was Governor of Florida, and whose Grandfather was a United States Senator?  If that is so, then McCain will have a free ride since Nobama (aka jug-ears / skinny guy = give that homeless lazy guy a sammich) is running against President Bush.

    How many attacks on the USA has their been since 9/11?  

    President Bush is bringing democracy to the Middle-East.

    President Bush is attacking the aids problem (and poverty) in Africa exponentially greater than "the first black president" even tried to do.

    And, our economy is as robust as it was at the time of "the first black president."

    It sucks to be a Leftist in the face of such success.

    All you can do is bray "he's the worst president ever" but there is no way to prove that other than your words (which prove nothing).

    LOL; it is hopeless to be a Leftist since even failing Republicanism trumps Leftism in any form.  

  7. The Bush Legacy will be more devastating for the GOP than any hurricane could ever be.

  8. Hurricanes don't go that far north...oh yes it sucks to always win elections doesn't it?

  9. Honestly Bush showing up would be far more devasting for the republicans..We all ready know how the Bush Adminstration will react to another devasting that would be no big surprise!

    My advise to McCain would be to cancel the convention due to the storm and the fact that there is no way he could even come close to touching the eloquence of Obama's speech..

    He would do far better going to gulf coast and do what he can there (start sand bagging)

  10. At least Gustav would be a breath of fresh air.

  11. What delicious irony ... Bush won't be showing up:

  12. Do I really have to choose?  I'd be better off rolling a die.  Let's say 1-3 = Gustav and 4-6 = 1-3 = Bush, 4-6 =, evens are Gustav, odds are, no...Bush is odd, Gustav is even.

    F* it, the chances are all the same.  Let's just pin the tail on the jacka$$

  13. I think they will be better off if Bush doesn't show up. The question is will New Orleans be better off with Bush trying to help.  He can't help himself out of a paper bag.

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