
What's worst: not remembering how many houses one owns, or obtaining a house illegally via Tony Rezko?

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What's worst: not remembering how many houses one owns, or obtaining a house illegally via Tony Rezko?




  1. Not remembering how many houses he owns.  It doesn't say much for John McCain's age of 72.  Was he having a senior moment when he tried to hide his wife's assets and wealth?  John McCain married money, and money talks but Cindy McCain will NOT disclose how much her 2007 income tax earnings were.  Why?  The rich just get richer, and the poor get poorer.  

    Tell me. Do you honestly look into the background of everyone that you have financial dealings with in every investment you make?  Of course not, maybe someone on the New York Times or Washington Post should go underground and look into all of the corruption in Washington politics that John McCain wants to clean up by having Sara Palin as his VP and WHITE HOUSE keeper.   Singling out Barack Obama for purchasing one house for his family to actually live in seems to me to be what most normal people do.  Most people do not question who they are buying their house from?  Why are there still so many foreclosures in America of peoples' houses that they have worked their whole lives for?  Did anyone investigate John Edwards regarding his illicit affair and lying to the public about his morality and code of ethics before he finally confessed to the public?  John McCain had an affair before divorcing his first wife.    

  2. mccain knew exactly how many houses he owns - he didn;t want to be caught on tape admitting it so he referred the question to his campaign who lied for him saying he owned only four instead of seven.

  3. Nobody like a rich miser like McCain.  He is more unlikable than Gore ever was.

  4. Yo Dude

    Just because Slick let Rezko skim $1.35 million off that Panamanian Bank transfer to pay for a Campaign Headquarters. Does not make it illegal.

    The Contract is recorded and public record. Obama agreed to mow Rezko's lawn forever in exchange for his help in a money laundering scheme.

    Do some research on your own It will help you formulate these dificult questions.

  5. Obama did not obtain his house illegally.

    It is immoral to own so many homes that you can't be honest about it during such economic downfall for Americans and other people of the world.

  6. Ask any celebrity how many houses they own and most will not know. There is a guy around here that does rentals, I bet off the top of his mind he doesn't know how many either.

    But at least McCain paid for his on his own and isn't in debt to a scum lord crooked jerk like Rezko. Obama is corrupt and he will corrupt this country if elected.  

  7. as I've stated before....owning homes, does not mean one purchased them to live in, thousands of people own hundreds of homes, as investments, like stocks and bonds, so he didn't know the exact number. He could have said 67.....but God forbid he had 72, only to have to be vilified by idiots who , no matter how hard they try, will once again see their candidate go down for real reasons the cant justify, other than sophomoric ideals.....but then, when your finances become so devastated , oh ya , you'll blame it on anything but the real reason

  8. How did he obtain a house illegally if the courts ruled that he did not?

  9. It's hard to compare the two, because McCain actually didn't remember how many houses he owned.

    Obama, on the other hand, never obtained a house, illegally or legally from Rezko.

    When trying to compare things, make sure you don't compare one that is real, and the other complete fiction.

  10. Which is worse: Believing what you hear from corrupt politicians in smear campaigns, or knowing it's all bull but spreading the lies anyway?


    Obama wanted to purchase a home, but the previous owner would not sell the home unless the buyer also bought the empty lot next to it. Obama didn't have the money to buy both. (He didn't have the money!? You mean he wasn't born or married into a filthy rich family!?)

    Tony Rezko and his wife got in on the deal and bought the lot so that Obama could afford the house.  

    Nothing illegal, just a minor land deal. What Rezko did in his own affairs was unknown to Barack at the time, and the American court system proved that beyond a reasonable doubt.

  11. Both are bad but I would prefer someone who doesn't forget like knowing the difference between Sunnis & Shites & to know that there is no Iraq/Pakistan border

  12. In this case, not remembering how many homes you own is worse since Obama did not obtain his one house illegally.  

  13. the illegal transaction - good on anyone who owns lots of houses  

  14. not knowing how many houses u have

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